As they walked through the bullpen, he gave a head nod to a few of the other officers. Some looked at them with admiration, and some with disgust. Pfft. Whatever. He hopped in the back seat of Green’s truck, settling in for the ride. He wished he hadn’t seen Ruxs brush his hand along Green’s thigh, but he had. Damnit. Maybe he’d go to Burk’s this weekend and quench some of the fire that’d been burning in him. Hell if he didn’t hate “one-offs,” but a man had needs.

The ride was easy and uneventful, but that didn’t mean it wasn’t about to get exciting. Ruxs and Green waited until they had an audience to start their mayheim.

Michaels adjusted his cock before climbing out of the backseat. They were at a known hangout for a few of the players that ran the East Side. Although they weren’t there to get these guys this time, it was only a matter of time before God really did tire of them and would want them off his streets.

Michaels ran his hand through his messy hair before placing his cap back on. He made sure the safety was off on his weapons before turning to an already grinning Ruxs. Damn, these guys lived for the crazy shit. “Alright guys. Try not to get me shot at this time.”

“I make no promises.” Ruxs smirked.

They walked into the dim pool hall, several heads turning to look at them. There were rows of pool tables in the center of the room and arcade games and pinball machines lined the outer walls. A long, dark bar almost as long as the building was flush up against the far side. There was a DJ stand right next to the door, but no one was up there, the music blasting through the surround sound speakers came from a jukebox on the other side of the door.

Green shoved the large contraption to the side and yanked the power cord out of the socket. The music died abruptly, gathering everyone’s attention. The bartender put his hand on hip, glaring over at them. A huge sonofabitch - who had to be one of the bouncers - walked over to them, his bald head glistening in certain areas as it caught the light streaming through the few dirty windows. His fists balled at his sides. Just their fucking luck, the guy looked new. The regular bouncers knew who they were.

New-guy advanced faster, his steps more determined. He definitely wasn’t coming to talk to them. He was coming to prove something. The bartender yelled at him to wait, but he simply threw up a meaty hand and kept approaching. Michaels pinched the bridge of his nose, knowing this wasn’t going to be pretty.

“That’s a big dude, babe.” Green chuckled.

“Ya don’t say.” Ruxs smirked back.

Good lord.

When the man was just a little more than an arm’s length away, Ruxs brought his heavy boot up with a quick snap and caught the man dead center in his balls. The sound he made was a mix of a startled grunt and a harpy’s cry. It was sad was what it was. He clamped his knees together and dropped down to the floor, eyes watering from the pain. Ruxs definitely hit him hard enough that he wasn’t getting up for the duration of their stay.

“Excuse us, will ya?” Green chuckled, pushing the guy over with barely a flick of his wrist as they walked by. They were almost to the middle of the room when Green yelled out. “Alright, God wants to know what the fuck is going on in the East—”

Before Green could finish his sentence, three guys who were playing pool in the corner dropped their pool cues and ran towards the back doors. Michaels spun and ran to the front door while Ruxs and Green chased the guys out the back. Michaels ran up the sidewalk, dodging pedestrians, hoping to get to the end of the strip before the other guys did. He cut the corner and turned just in time to slam into one of the guys, knocking them both to the ground with a hard thud. He heard the other guys fly past him but all they needed was one. The guys in the pool hall would surely pass the word around that God was asking about the East Side, which should be enough.

Michaels rolled with the guy he’d taken down, making sure he didn’t end up on the bottom. He gave the man a hard knee to his ribs, making him fold in on his left. The guy was reaching behind his back but Ruxs was there, stopping him from getting to whatever weapon he had and yanked the man to his feet. Green extended his hand and Michaels gripped his big forearm, letting him pull him up. He winced at the pain in his back and flicked Green off again when he snickered at him.