Wick bathed away every speck of dirt and blood, washing Justice’s thick head of hair twice before stepping out of the steaming stall. Neither of them bothered with a towel as Wick let Justice lead him to the bed. Their sexing was slow, tender, harmonized. Wick whispered in Justice’s ear how proud he was to be his mate. How protected Justice made him feel today. And he didn’t just tell him what he thought an alpha wanted to hear. He told his mate the truth and he was sure Justice could sense it. Could feel Wick’s genuine love for him. It was in Justice’s touch, his kiss, in the ardent way he sank his teeth into the flushed skin over Wick’s throat and lovingly claimed him all over again.

Justice stretched his long body along the expensive sheets. He never cared about material things, didn’t have a need for two billion thread count sheets. However, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept so well. He felt amazing, even warmer than usual. He looked down at his mate, resting peacefully nestled in his armpit. Wick had immediately taking a liking to the confined space while he slept. He couldn’t take his eyes away from the beautiful creature in his arms. He gently ran the pad of his thumb down Wick’s brow to his high cheekbone. There were no lines, wrinkles or blemishes on his smooth, porcelain face.

“Comes from using Oil of Olay for a hundred and seventy years.”

Justice smiled even wider. Damn, Wick sounded sinful when he first woke. He wanted to roll back on top of him and… Wait a minute. Justice frowned when he thought about what Wick just said. “Whoa… really?”

Wick laughed at him and Justice felt like a fool. He’d been so wrapped up in warmth, his brain was barely functioning. “I see you’ve suddenly developed an annoying sense of humor,” Justice grumbled, reaching under the covers and pinching Wick’s ass. “Did they even have lotion when you were born?”

Now it was Wick’s turn to scowl. Justice laughed right back at him, kissing the creases that’d formed in his forehead. “Aww. Teasing is fair play, baby. Don’t dish it if you can’t take it. Especially with my brother, Mac. He’ll make you wanna crawl under a table from embarrassment.”

“We’ll see about that,” Wick hissed, getting up from bed, walking that sexy, smooth ass towards their bathroom. Even with bed head and a grumpy attitude, his mate was the light in his soul.

“Hey, get back in bed,” Justice complained. He could hear the water running in the vanity sink. Why was Wick up so soon when they’d just laid down? He turned and looked at the time on Wick’s cell phone – Justice hadn’t even bothered locating his. Justice’s eyes bulged. It was almost six in the evening. “What the hell?!”

Wick peeped his head out the door. “Everything okay?”

Justice’s head was in his hands. He’d slept through the entire day without even realizing it. Those freaking black-out curtains made it so damn dark. “I can’t believe we slept…” Justice rapidly did the math. “Eleven hours!”

Wick finished brushing his teeth and came out to the bedroom walking towards his closet. “You had a very long night. By the time I had you settled after the challenge, it was almost daybreak. I was exhausted, too. It felt like I fought right alongside you.”

“You did,” Justice whispered softly, but he knew Wick heard it in the closet.

He came out with a dark suit that looked to have been recently pressed. “I have meetings all evening. I have to speak with the Royal Court and my father today. I need the rest of my escort to come back since it looks like I’ll be permanently relocating. I’ll have my staff officially notify all covens across the world that the King has mated with his Beloved. There’s so much to do, Justice. I would love nothing more than to stay close to you all night, but duty calls, and I’m sure it does for you too.” Wick kept dressing while he spoke.

“I know,” Justice sighed, flopping back down in the bed. Duty was calling. His brother Alek was more than capable of handling Justice’s responsibilities while he took time to get to know Wick, but he couldn’t put off speaking with the rogue shifters any longer. “Why the fancy clothes?”

“My father won’t even look at me – neither will the holders of the Court – if I’m in a t-shirt and ripped denims,” Wick confessed, hooking his rare-looking gold cufflinks.

Justice got up, he couldn’t sit there and watch any longer. He took Wick in his arms while he closed the left sleeve. “What is this?”

“It’s my family’s crest.”

Justice ran his finger over the precious metal. He couldn’t make out all the details of the Bentley crest on the small link but he’d be sure to inquire more about it later. He had many questions about Wick’s history, his life, experiences, his family. Justice kissed Wick’s neck. He had time.