“You didn’t feed before you went to sleep,” Justice stated casually. He went and sat down on the couch in the sitting area, spreading his legs and reclining until his head rested on the back of the microfiber cushions. “Come here.”

Wick tossed his black suit jacket over the back of the chair and sidled up close to Justice. “You always smell so delicious. I try hard not to attack you at my whims.”

Justice let Wick crowd into his throat, his heartrate skyrocketing like it did every time he got ready to provide his mate with nourishment. It was an act that touched the deepest place inside of him. Wick hummed softly, then bit down with care and accuracy. Like always, Justice’s dick went from half hard to able to come in seconds. He was so fuckin’ turned on by Wick’s sucking and pulling, he was dizzy. “I’ll never tire of this… I promise you.” Justice never, ever, made a promise he couldn’t keep.

“I love you.”

“I love you back.”

Wick pulled back and licked Justice’s neck until the bite marks faded to a soft pink. Then without a second thought, Wick thrust his head into Justice’s lap and took his solid erection in his mouth, letting Justice release all the built-up need from his balls. With his hand firmly tangled in Wick’s hair, he came so hard his hips rose on their own, making sure his mate had every inch of him and swallowed every drop.

When Wick and Justice came downstairs and into the kitchen, Henry was already there drinking his first meal out of a black coffee mug, with a laptop plugged in right beside him, logged on to YouTube. He stood up straighter when they entered. “Evening, my Lords. I trust you rested well.”

Justice grabbed a banana out of the new fruit bowl Henry had added to the island, and a bottle of water out the refrigerator, grumbling under his breath. “Goodness. If someone calls me Lord one more time, I’m going to fall down on my knees and beg the actual Lord above to please forgive me for taking his place.”

Henry cast his eyes down. “I apologize, Justice. It won’t happen again.”

Wick glared up at Justice from whatever he’d been reading on his cell phone. “I’ve asked you not to mock our culture. This interspecies mingling is going to take some getting used to, by all of us. Our ways of life are different, but we’ll peacefully coexist if we’re courteous to one another. Henry was being his most respectful. He’s also sitting here watching this absolutely ridiculous application online so he can make you… ” Wick leaned over and peered at the laptop screen, scoffing. “Because it sure as bloody hell isn’t for us… a rack of lamb with mint jelly.”

Justice was officially chastised and he’d deserved it. Shit. I love lamb with jelly. What had he been thinking, making Henry feel like that? The young vampire had gone out of his way to cater to him and his needs, making Justice feel welcome right from the start. He leaned down and kissed Wick’s forehead, apologizing to his mate before turning to Henry. “I am so sorry, Henry. I should never speak to you so rudely.”

Henry began to object but Justice halted him. “No matter my title or station. There’s no excuse… but I have one nonetheless.”

Henry and Wick both chuckled a bit, easing the strain, as Justice continued. “I guess I’m a little testy about having to leave my new mate and go back to the pack lands to work without him.”

“That’s quite alright, Alpha.” Henry nodded, turning back to his laptop.

Justice put his hand on Henry’s shoulder and it made the vampire lurch so hard, Justice yanked his hand away like he’d been burned. Wick flashed from his seat and was at Justice’s side. “What happened? I felt it too.”

Justice was flipping his hand back and forth like he’d never seen it before. “I’m not sure. But I think I can comfort your vampires with my touch, just like I can my shifters.”

Henry had his hand on his shoulder where Justice had touched him. “I didn’t mean to react that way. Your hand was so warm and the feeling that flowed through it was… was… I can’t explain.” Henry sat down at the table, appearing dazed. “I’m also not used to being touched.”

Justice slowly moved back over to Henry, Wick right on his heels. “It’s okay. There was no intimacy in the touch, Henry. Shifters are an extremely tactile group. We rely on physical comfort, especially if we’re hurting, because without it we’d go insane. We’d lose our humanity to our animal. How did it feel when I touched you?”

Henry was staring at Justice, his eyes slightly averted. “It felt really good. Like the best thing I’ve felt in years. I was so upset that I’d forgot to not call you ‘Lord’ like you requested. I pissed you off and then I created disharmony between you and your Beloved. I should be ashamed.”