That was right on every level. Justice and Wick were meant to fight together.

“I appreciate your concern, alphas. It may take some time to understand all our cultural differences, especially during a time like this. But my court is here to do what I need of them, and if that happens to be leveling a building in Eureka while shifters storm the rebels’ compound, then they’ll do it. My court’s job is to help me protect, police, and regulate our kind. My third will oversee the mission. A fierce leader in his own right. Taking out those scientists will be considered a gift and the highest honor to my newly appointed captain.”

“That’s true. I’ve been around this man during conflict. He’s loyal and dedicated to not only his own species, but ours as well. He’ll protect us all with his life,” Justice agreed with his mate.

“Sounds great,” Alek agreed. “So, when do we get to meet this league of extraordinary gentlemen?”

Wick laughed musically, the room and everyone in it falling victim to his charm. “They’ll be here this evening. Obviously, my men couldn’t join us for this session. I’ve instructed those already here with me to come join us after dusk. My entire court is in mid-flight as we speak and will arrive later this evening.”

They were past the skepticism and questioning of allegiance. With their plan in place, and Justice’s wolf feeling more assured that the pack was going to be okay, they began to turn their attention to the only vampire in the room. His mate was as remarkable as knew he would be. He answered all their questions with ease and grace, and was honest and forthcoming about vampiric practices. Even feeding.

Farica leaped and clapped her hands together. “Oh, we should have a celebration!”

All the men turned and faced her enthusiasm with their own.

“Farica, what kind of wild hair just crawled up your butt?” Mac groaned, dodging his little sister’s fast strike.

“You hush. This will be a party to honor my brother’s new mate. Celebrate our distinguished alphas here, and of course officially welcome Wick’s court. We want to show them we’re thrilled to have them, right?” Farica nodded, trying to get everyone to agree.

“Farica, my lovely.” Wick took one of her animated hands in his and adorably kissed the back of it. “You are too kind. My men won’t know what to do with you, pretty lady. But don’t put yourselves out. My men aren’t used to welcome wagons, nor are they expecting one.”

“Well that can change. Isn’t this supposed to all be about change… good change? Oh! They’ll be so surprised,” Farica gushed, already darting from the room.

“Just let her go, Wick.” Mac laughed. “There’s no stopping her now.”

“I gotta get to the market. Ross!” Farica yelled. Her voice carried back to them as she made her way to the front of the house. “No worries, Wick. I don’t even have to buy food for you guys… so, no trouble at all.”

“Alpha mate, your—”

“You can call me, Wick, Ross. You’ve been so helpful today. Thank you again for picking up my suit. What can I do for you?” Wick touched the young shifter on his shoulder, making him duck his head shyly.

“Yes, Wick. Farica told me to come tell you that your captain is arriving.” Ross smiled politely, then hurried back downstairs when Farica bellowed for him to run another errand.

“That boy needs two more hands.” Wick laughed, closing the door.

“Or legs.” Justice held Wick from behind while he fixed his hair in the bathroom mirror. “Farica runs him to death. But Mikel is grooming him to be an enforcer, so he’s paying his dues.”

“I haven’t encountered many children, but I like him.” Wick smiled, leaning back against Justice’s firm chest. “He’s a good kid.”

“Yeah, he is. Most of the pups are. It’s why we have to protect them. Shield them from those assholes.”

“We will. Together.” Wick let Justice kiss his mark before he pulled away.

They’d wrapped up the meeting by four and everyone had dispersed to get ready for the evening’s festivities. They were still at Alpha Mikel’s home, using one of his bedrooms to get ready. Wick had changed suits to another dark one, but he lost the tie and instead, opened the top two buttons. Justice was still comfortable in his jeans, but he chose a collared shirt and rustic cowboy boots. Damn, he was too fine.

Wick didn’t try to hide his interest… not anymore. It was okay for him to feel happiness, joy, and elation. They were all going to be together tonight. Vampires and shifters, eating and drinking together. Banding together with one common goal. He hoped the Mother was proud of them so far. Wick felt a comforting reassurance that wasn’t from Justice.

Justice sniffed the air. “Your captain is here. You should come down and introduce them to the others.”