“Sure.” Wick held Justice’s hand on their way downstairs.

Farica was just opening the door and squealing in the captain’s face when they got to the bottom. She clamped her arms around Ramon and squeezed him good. It was comical to watch because Ramon’s classically handsome and typically unresponsive face looked stunned. He stooped awkwardly from her pull, his arms out to his sides, looking for assistance from anyone close by. Wick laughed loudly, watching the exchange. Poor Ramon. He had no clue what to do with all that energy surrounding him. Farica introduced herself proudly, stepping aside so she could usher the four vampires with him inside.

“We’re going to be starting at seven. You guys are a bit early, but that’s okay. I find promptness to be an admirable quality. We’re just about done setting up.” Farica pointed out the large window in the front room. “The decorations are amazing, right?”

Ramon gently patted Farica’s hand that still clamped his and pulled him through the house. “Señorita, forgive us. I didn’t realize you were having a function. We’ll excuse ourselves.”

“Oh, no,” Farica gushed at Ramon’s Hispanic accent, his chivalry and politeness. “The party is for y’all.”

“Perdón?” Ramon blinked owlishly.

Wick finally stepped forward and saved his court leader. “Captain Ramon Vega, you’ve already met Justice’s sister, Farica, one of the loveliest shifters you’ll ever encounter. Let me take you over to meet some of Justice’s pack. The visiting alphas should be coming back soon.”

Wick extricated his captain from Farica’s piercing blue eyes and kung fu grip. “They’ll be around mingling for you to dote on later, lovely.”

Farica appeared all right with the brush off… momentarily. Wick and his mindful mate watched just how long it took for Farica to walk away from the big captain.

“I think you may have an admirer.” Wick smirked at Ramon.

Ramon’s eyes widened even more. He wiped at imaginary sweat on his forehead. “I would never, Justice. I swear it.”

Justice smiled, shaking his head. “My sister is a grown woman. An alpha. If there’s something she wants, there’s not a soul on this earth that can stop her. She recognizes strength when she sees it.” Justice clamped Ramon on his shoulder. “You’re a good man. I wouldn’t have a problem with it.”


“No need to go too deep into that right now, Ramon. Come. I want to fill you in on my meeting earlier before the remaining court arrives.” Wick took his men over to where Mikel was gathered with Justice’s brothers and a few more of his pack members. Stances were friendly and Wick found himself praying to the Mother it would stay that way.

“Who came up with this plan? I couldn’t have devised a better one myself.” Ramon agreed with their course of action as soon as Wick finished detailing it.

Justice confidently pointed at his little brother, who wasn’t so little at all. He stood about an inch shorter than Justice and was slightly less built than the others, but his aura and power was no less evident. He was quiet, observant, cautious. Wick knew men with those kinds of assets. The deadliest of them all.

His captain shook Taleb’s hand again, getting a few more details from the smart man while the others began to move around with some of the other pack. Wick was glad they weren’t staying hidden. No, his team was getting involved, asking intelligent questions and making valuable contributions. Hell, even Henry had Taleb intrigued with his inquiries. Really intrigued.

“Okay, the guests are arriving!” Farica called out. Damn, where did a sweet lady get lungs like those? When she spoke, people listened, then they moved. “Let’s go outside and enjoy!”

Business had been conducted and it was time to unwind. The party was in full swing by nine o’clock. Wick had to admit, shifters sure knew how to throw a celebration. The huge field was now covered with not only pack and local visitors, but also picnic tables, balloons, and strings of lights. It was damn near daylight, Farica had so many torches lit.

The food flowed in abundance, and boy could they eat. Meat and smoke from the massive grills, operated by five men, could probably be smelled for miles. Wick was sitting on Justice’s lap after he’d finished his steak, ribs, coleslaw, mac-n-cheese, and… Wick had lost track of what else. He watched in amazement as they all ate, so did his team. However, it wasn’t long before they were teasing each other about eating habits, his own men getting in a few good rib jokes of their own.

Wick hadn’t smiled this long in… well, never. There wasn’t a reason for any of them to throw a celebration. Sure, there were city vampires that enjoyed clubs and shindigs, but they were in the minority. Some music was turned up louder and couples began to make their way to a large patch of grass that was well worn. The music changed from fast, upbeat tempos to slow ballads. When Wick saw Henry being led to the dance area by Taleb, he slowly sat forward in wonder. Everyone parted and let them through, watching carefully. Had any of them ever seen a vampire dance? Not likely. Wick sure hadn’t. So he was very interested.