Justice rolled them for the twentieth time, pressing Wick’s body into the thick leaves. He had to get off his mate. Justice slowly kissed down the bridge of Wick’s nose to his lips. He pecked him there, chastely, but Wick was fast to deepen it.

“Mmm. Come on, baby. Time to go.”

“Noooooo,” Wick actually whined.

“I’ll never tell anyone you made that sound if you get up now.” Justice stood and held his hand out for Wick. Refusing to take it, Wick turned over and sprawled out on his stomach, like he was on a beach in Jamaica and was about to settle in for a suntan.

“I go where I want and I want to stay here,” Wick said stubbornly.

“Why, you spoiled little vamp-king.” Justice slapped Wick hard on his ass. “Get your ass up.”

His mate chuckled, trying to get away, but Justice scooped him up in a fireman’s carry and took off up the mountain. Where he found the energy with such an empty stomach, he had no clue. All he knew was he wanted to get indoors and raid the fridge; that Henry now kept well-stocked.

Wick was still laughing because Justice had yet to put him down while he stood in the kitchen downing his third bottle of water.

“Are you ever going to let me walk again?”

“As long as you promise not to run outside as soon as I do.” Justice popped Wick’s ass again. It was so tight and round right there in biting range. So he did.

“Ah. Yes. Do that again, but harder,” Wick moaned.

The biting led to a helluva lot more biting and ended with them sweaty and exhausted in bed.

Justice was dozing off when he felt a sharp elbow in his side.

“Hey, I didn’t say we were going to sleep after.”

Justice turned over and shoved the thick pillow up under his head. “You didn’t have to. I decided for us. It’s nap time.”

“Fine. You nap.” Wick got up and went to the closet, pulling out his same ratty pair of denims and a new, black wife-beater.

Justice heaved a sigh and propped himself up on the padded, leather headboard, wiping at his drooping eyes. “You have to be tired.”

“Sort of, but when I get back outside, I won’t be.”

“I’m not letting you go out without me.”

“That’s absurd. I’m only going in the backyard. That pool is calling me.”

Justice shook his head and began to pry himself out of bed in preparation for another swim, but Wick stopped him with a hand on his chest.

“I promise. I won’t leave the grounds.”

“And no shifting. We still have to be on the lookout for those poachers. God help if anyone catches a glimpse of a Siberian tiger walking around in Nevada.”

Wick slumped and mumbled, “Okay. No shifting.”

“I’ll be up in thirty minutes.” Justice looked at the wall clock. “So wake me at two.”

“Sleep a bit longer. We’re sleeping tonight so I can spend the whole day with you again tomorrow.” Wick shined. He flicked his tongue at Justice’s dropped-open mouth and flashed out of the room. A loud whoop and a huge splash sounded before Justice could even lay back down. I’ve created a sun monster.

This was the life. When he finished swimming, he’d alternated between reading an autobiography on George Weston and gazing up at the clear blue sky. He was lying on a comfortable sun lounger, rubbing his hand up and down his warm chest, with only a towel draped over his pelvis and a dark pair of aviator sunglasses protecting his eyes. Boy, if his father could see him now. He bet the old bastard could no longer say he’d never been jealous. Wick didn’t care about envy. While completely elated over experiencing the daylight, Wick still adored the night… except this… this was just so new. And wonderful! New and wonderful didn’t come along for him often. He checked his cell phone again. Bloody great. It was almost four and daylight was dwindling. Justice was still deep in sleep and Wick didn’t want to disturb him.

Since he didn’t feed much when they made love this afternoon, he was feeling his hunger again, which would definitely wake Justice. Wick sat up quickly, an impulsive idea forming in his head. He threw his towel off and hurried inside, making a hard beeline for the kitchen. Hell, if Henry can master cooking in twenty-four hours, then I can probably do it in two. I’ll make my mate a late lunch. He couldn’t wait for Justice to look at him so appreciatively when he was the one to place a huge plate of food in front of him. Wick gave himself a pep talk while he scrolled through his phone for a chicken recipe, since that’s all Henry had defrosted in the refrigerator.

He found what he thought was a simple enough one – a grilled chicken sandwich. He read through the instructions once right before his phone died. Instead of going upstairs and getting the charger, he figured he had it.