Justice glared exasperatedly at his brother.

“What?!” Mac threw his hands in the air. “He can shift into a fuckin’ Siberian tiger for shit’s sake! Come on, y’all were thinking it, too. That’s cool, man. Look! Alek is still playing with his tail. No one has ever seen a shifter other than a wolf.”

“Not in this generation, but the Mother has sent other animals to protect us before, right?” Alek said.

Justice knelt down in front of Wick, looking into his sharp eyes. “Yes. And she has again.”

“Okay, Alek sent a message to your new captain that you’re fine and you will see them this evening,” Justice told Wick, still watching his mate bask in the sun.

Suddenly, Wick took off towards the lake and dove headfirst into the cool water, staying down so long Justice had to call for him.

“No longer hating water, I see.” Justice laughed.

He’d been sitting on the bank in the same spot since his brothers left an hour ago. They were all sworn to secrecy for now. Wick and Justice would reveal the protector only when he was needed. He wouldn’t take advantage of the Mother’s generosity by flaunting Wick’s beast like a trophy he won.

“I want to stay out here the rest of the day.” Wick was back under the water again. Every now and then, Justice would get a glimpse of his large head when he came up for a quick breath or a flick of his five-foot tail across the surface.

Justice yawned, not really feeling the idea of another minute out here. Not to mention they’d only had a couple hours nap. There was no way Justice would stay up all day and all night again. He wanted to get back to the cabin and enjoy a huge breakfast. “Can’t do that. I’m starving and so are you.”

“Then go track down a little Velveteen Rabbit, eat him and come back.”

It took an exceptionally long time for Justice to stop laughing. “Geez, baby. Be more vicious.”

“Circle of life, Justice. You can’t feel guilty for being at the top of the food chain,” Wick said nonchalantly, paddling closer to the bank.

“I’m not at the top of the food chain, baby. You are. And I don’t want a rabbit. I want some eggs and bacon and whatever else I can rustle up.” Justice leaned up higher when Wick gracefully eased his massive form out the water and shifted in mid-stride, sauntering his dripping wet, naked body over to him.

“You said you wanted me wet.” Wick straddled Justice’s lap, his long hard cock jutting out from his shaved groin. Wick flung his hair off his face, drops of warm water falling onto Justice’s chest. He was so fair and gorgeous. Smooth, toned chest with the faintest patch of hair in the center.

Justice gripped Wick’s hips, moving him back and forth on his – seemingly constant lately – erection.

“Justice, I feel so good.” Wick wound on him. “Everything is working out. I was so scared I would not be able to walk with you at all times.”

“The Mother makes no mistakes. She gave you abilities to make us fully compatible,” Justice whispered, flipping Wick over on his back and laying him down on the ground as gently as you’d place a baby fawn next to its mother. He nestled comfortably in between those damp thighs, rubbing his hands along the slickness.

Wick suggestively slid his thigh up Justice’s side. He growled inside Wick’s mouth and gripped the underside of Wick’s leg where it met his ass, in a punishing hold. Wick hissed and nastily arched away from the ground. Justice got harder, thicker at the show of his mate’s flexibility.

“Such a nasty kitty,” Justice teased.

“If you call me kit-ty again, I’m going to claw your cock off.” Wick narrowed his eyes and scratched his blunt nails down Justice’s chest hard enough to leave delicious red marks that faded way too quickly for Justice. He wanted more of that hot aggression from his mate.

“How about pus—?”

“Stop right there!” Wick cut him off swiftly, trying to eye Justice with venom. It didn’t work, so he shallowly bit into that particularly ticklish spot just above his collarbone, making Justice squirm. It was a playful bite that flooded Justice with delight, while revving his desire.

They made out for a long time, his mate wanting to be devoured under the noonday sun. Justice sucked and licked every exposed, warm piece of flesh. He would’ve given Wick so much more, but his stomach growling was too much of a distraction. Then Wick was refusing to bite and feed until Justice ate. So they’d have to finish this later. However, he’d been unsuccessful in getting Wick back up to the cabin. He supposed after hiding from the sun for over a hundred years, reveling in it for a few hours was understandable.