Page 27 of Promise Me

Ronan put his arm around my shoulder.

His fingers that were long were splayed casually across me. His thumb absently caressed my neck. “You know if you need anything I’m here for you.”

“I could only nod.” He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Then he got up and went away and I could breathe again. Ryan took his place. She looked at me then she looked across at the playset where James, Annie and Grace were playing with Charlotte. Sophia was holding Asia watching them all.

“So, you do realize that all three of our children look like their fathers.”

“Not really. They have their coloring. Gracie has Fionn’s and Stevie’s eye color that she passed to the boys but the twins have something in between you and Ciaran.”

My sister growled at me then she cleared her throat. “They look a helluva lot like their fathers,” Ryan insisted.

“What is your point?” I was getting so tired of the harassment.

“What if that child comes out looking like his father? Do you not think they will notice? How are you going to explain it looks like a Moore?”

“It’s a boy,” I told her hoping the topic change would deter Ryan.

“How do you know?” My sister turned totally focused on me.

“I had an ultrasound at my appointment this week.”

My sister put her arm around me. Then she laid her head on my shoulder. “Why didn’t you tell me that you were having an ultrasound?” Her voice grew quiet. “I could have gone with you.”

I turned my head and kissed her forehead. “It’s okay.”

“It’s not okay Skylar.” She was pitying me. “A boy huh.”

I nodded. “Dad will be thrilled. He’ll finally have a boy in his life that he can throw to,” she told me. I laughed then I cried a little. “What was he saying to you?”


She nodded at me. “How much he enjoyed our lunches on campus and he’s here for me if I need him.”

My sister found that humorous. She burst out laughing. “He wouldn’t be so magnanimous if he knew that boy was his.”

“Shh, somebody is going to hear you.”

“Like me,” Aine said. We both looked over our shoulder at my oldest sister. She sat down. “Ronan is your baby’s father?” Her voice was getting loud.

“Will you be quiet?”

“The night you took him home,” she said lowering her voice.

I nodded.

“He came to me after you told him about taking him home. He was troubled because he didn’t remember it. What happened?”

I rolled my eyes at Aine. What did she think happened? “I took him home. We had sex. We created a baby. He doesn’t remember a damn thing.”

“Who doesn’t?” Fionn asked sitting next to Aine.

“No one,” I snapped.

“Who is she talking about?” Fionn asked Aine.

“Sky, I can’t keep this from him.”

I scowled at my sister. “You can’t tell anyone,” I warned Fionn.