Page 26 of Promise Me

Placing my hands on her slender shoulders I didn’t expect the reaction that I got. Skylar tensed. She knew it was me. Then she glanced over her shoulder at me and hesitantly smiled. “Hey Ronan.” Her voice was soft and uncomfortable but I didn’t know why.

“Skybug, you okay?”

“Sure,” she replied. I dropped my hands to my sides and I could visibly see her relax. I took a step back from her. The awkwardness remained so I walked away. I headed towards the barn where I could be alone.


I watched Ronan walk away. It wasn’t his fault that this happened. He wasn’t in control of himself that night. I thought he would remember it though. For weeks Ryan and Ciaran were hounding me to tell Ronan what happened but I just couldn’t face that humiliation. He didn’t remember.

He was so upset at my reaction to his touch on me. It reminded me of him naked in his bed. Loving me. His big body filling me up. I hadn’t been able to forget that night. I always had a crush on Ronan Moore. Who wouldn’t? He was older, charming, handsome. Always a tease. A big brother. How had I messed this up so badly?

I let him touch my breast. He cupped my face with his big hands and I was lost. I didn’t know how to handle somebody like Ronan. He made me feel things that I didn’t know were possible. Then he forgot about me. He was snoring about ten minutes after we were done.

I slipped out from beneath him. Dressed in my clothes that were strewn about his apartment. Then, I covered his muscular, naked body. What an ass that man has. I brushed the hair out of his face and kissed his cheek. He didn’t even stir. Then I fled like the coward that I was. Didn’t he wonder in the morning? Why was he naked? How had he gotten home? Apparently not.


Tegan walked into the barn where I was. I was playing with my phone staring at Facebook not really seeing anything. He took it from me. Then he sat beside me. “Are you going to hide out in here?”

“I feel awkward,” I replied.

“Imagine how Skylar feels,” he said.

“Yeah, so she won’t tell you who the father is?” I asked. Still didn’t click. Same timeframe that she took me home. Why would it? I loved these four O’Halloran girls like little sisters, like my cousin Sophia. Not like a girl I wanted to take to bed especially not Skylar who was just twenty-one.

“No,” Tegan replied.

“How is she going to raise a baby on a teacher’s salary?” I asked.

“I don’t know,” Tegan replied. “Help from us. You know we won’t let them go without anything.”

“Yeah, I know.” I scrubbed my hand across my face. “Thanks for sharing that story about yourself.”

“They’ve been pretty hard on you. I wanted everyone to remember we’ve all made mistakes.”

“I’ve made a big one,” I replied.

“I know she had lunch with you at campus, I guess she never mentioned anyone?” Tegan switched things up on me.

“No man, she didn’t. I’m sorry.” I looked him in the eye.

“Come on, they sent me in here to get you for dinner. Then she’s going to cut the cake and open gifts.”

Chapter 7

I stuck close to my sisters the whole day. I sat with them during dinner. My baby was active maybe because I was bundle of nervous energy. I missed Ronan’s grandmother. She would know what to do in this situation. I had my mother on my ass so much this week wanting to know who the baby’s father was that I finally went to Ryan and Ciaran’s and stayed there. Then I had them on my ass telling me I needed to tell the baby’s father about him.

It was a boy.

No one knew that but me. I covered my belly with my hand and felt him move beneath my fingers. I had an ultrasound at my last appointment on Wednesday. They could see my little boy’s sex to know what he was. All alone, I did this plus all the other doctor visits. The blood work. Each one waiting to be sure my baby was all right. I knew he was sitting by me before I turned and looked at him.

“What are you doing?” I asked Ronan.

“I just want to know that you are all right Sky. We’ve been friends for years. Had lunch nearly every other day on campus for the last three years while I was in law school. I looked forward to those lunches,” he told me.

I looked into his handsome face. His pale-green eyes against his tannish skin, his dark hair falling over his brow right now and I wanted to shove my fingers through his hair but he wasn’t looking at me that way. He would be horrified at what we had done. So would everyone else.

“I’m fine,” I told him.