Page 103 of LIFE Interrupted

“Good, I’ve been praying for you Sophie. He hears me too.”

She smiled at him although her tears glistened. “I’m sure he does.”

“I might become a priest. I think that might be my calling.” Driver wasn’t quiet. Ross glanced over his shoulder at his son and shook his head. Then he faced front.

“I hope you are happy, Driver whatever you do,” she told him. She gave him a squeeze.

Duke leaned over the pew and Sophie met him for a quick kiss too. He was the middle son. The quiet one named after her father of course. She smiled and patted his arm. “How are you Duke?” She whispered.

“Great, Aunt Sophie. I made the Honor Roll.”

“So proud of you,” she told him.

Her mom reached out for her hand and she grasped it tightly. “I’m glad to see you,” Daisy whispered. “Surprised but happy.”

“I pushed to get here but it’s the first Christmas since we all started going back to church. I wanted to be here, Mom.”

Her mother nodded.

The deacon of the church stopped by her father and whispered in his ear. He looked at Brad Russack and both men groaned. They got up and went to the front of the church.

Sophie leaned over and tapped her mother on the shoulder. “Where’s Dad and Brad going??


Her mother’s eyes twinkled when she smiled and replied, “You’ll see.”

Her father and Brad stood behind the microphone dressed in their Sunday best for Christmas morning. She hadn’t seen this since she was thirteen, but Sophie remembered it well. They used to sing together, every Sunday. She loved to hear them harmonize.

“So, Paddy has a sense of humor,” her dad told the congregation and Brad chuckled. “Bradley and I haven’t sung together in nearly thirty years, but Paddy insisted if Sophie made it to church today that we should sing for her and she’s here, so you’ll have to excuse us if we’re a little off key.”

The congregation chuckled at her dad. Sophie peeked around Kai and her eyes met Josh’s. He didn’t know about this. She could see it, in his expression. They faced forward when Duke began talking again.

“I just wanted to take a moment to tell you that my Sophie is battling breast cancer as most of you are aware. We appreciate the love and support our church family has been giving us. Daisy shows me all the messages she gets about what you all would like to do to help. All the prayers that are being said for our girl and believe me from the bottom of mine and Brad’s heart, we appreciate it.”

Brad cleared his throat and Duke glanced at him. “We had a falling out, with Sister Nola. Everyone remembers the tiny terror that loved to wield her ruler. She whacked Sophie once to many times.”

Sophie glanced at Kai and her friend was sniggering. She elbowed her in the ribs to quiet her. “You deserved it.”

“I probably did. Is there some reason my father is airing our dirty laundry before Christmas mass?”

“I thought I was hurting her by not coming to mass anymore after Sophie made confirmation. I only hurt my family. My wife. Paddy informed me confession is good for the soul, so I stand before you, my friends and family and tell you I only hurt myself by not coming here. I hurt me by turning my back on you all including the good Lord. Thank you for not turning your backs on us when we needed you.”

“I followed him, what does that make me?” Brad teased him.

“We can’t say that word that in church, Bradley.” Everyone laughed at Duke’s joke. “So today by request of Father Paddy and for our girl, Sophie, we’ll lead the church songs. Feel free to sing louder than us as we’re a bit rusty.” They both rustled around with their books finding the first hymn.

“She said you were going to end up pregnant,” Kai whispered.

Sophie frowned at her friend. “I was only thirteen. She thought I’d be sleeping around. I’ve only been with Josh.”

“You still ended up pregnant.”

“So, did you,” Sophie declared.

Kai put her arm around Sophie’s shoulder and smiled. “But she thought I was a good girl.”

Sophie rolled her eyes at Kai. Then they listened to her father and father-in-law lead the Christmas Carol, Silent Night as Father Paddy entered the church from the back.