Page 104 of LIFE Interrupted

Sophie listened tuning everyone else but her Dad and Brad. She felt her eyes fill with tears. Kai comforted her once again.

Father Paddy stood at the front of the church in his flowing white garments; his stole around his neck. He raised his hands to the church and shouted, “Merry Christmas everyone.”

Everyone replied in kind.

“This morning we celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus Christ. It is a time for new beginnings. A time for joyous, celebration because Christ was born on this day to save us from our sins.” In a loud, booming voice, Father Paddy, announced, “In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

The congregation made the sign of the cross and replied. “Amen.”

“The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.”

The response of the people resounded through the church.

Sophie glanced around. She felt good and complete as the mass went on. She took communion and Father Paddy blessed her before she went back to her seat. She bowed her head and was silent, thanking God for giving her this chance to start all over with her life, and enjoy it once again using the talents that she was born with.

She hoped she had only three more treatments but only time would tell. She wasn’t looking at the bad, things anymore, only the good that had come from her getting cancer.

She still had the love of her life.

She had her children and grandchild.

She had her parents and Josh’s.

She had Kai and Micki.

Her new friends Deandra and Amy.

Sophie was alive.

After mass, Father Paddy greeted everyone in the vestibule of the church. The winter morning too cold for him to stand outside. He hugged her hard letting her know how good it was to see her.

“It feels good to be here.”

“Everyone handles this differently Sophie. I know it has been hard for you and I’m so proud of how you have handled this. You’ve shown strength in such adversity.”

“I’m not done yet,” she whispered.

“I know but I expect nothing different from you.”

“I’ll keep trying,” she promised.

Everyone headed to Hannah and Heath’s place. The two-story colonial was in a subdivision much like theirs. Sophie loved what the young couple had done with it.

Christmas lights hung from the porch that spanned the front of the house. A nativity set was on the front lawn, just Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus but Sophie knew that with each year Heath could add pieces to the scene, something that they had done as well.

She walked up the sidewalk and her son stood in the door with Joshua. She smiled so grateful that she was still here to see this. Her daughter hadn’t come to church. She hadn’t arrived at her brother’s house yet either.

She glanced up at the heavens, the sky clear and blue now. Not a cloud, marred its perfect color and she smiled. She wasn’t going to worry. She wasn’t going to interfere in Ally’s life. She didn’t think she was doing drugs. She hoped she wasn’t drinking. She wanted her girl to get her head on straight. That was something Ally was going to have to do on her own.

Josh cupped her elbow. “You okay?”

“I’m perfect. I’ll be tired in a few hours. I might need to take a nap but I’m doing good right now. That extra week helped me not feel so horrible.”

“I’m glad, Sophie.”

“Me too, Josh.”

They had a wonderful Christmas with their family despite Ally not showing up until three. They loved watching Alexander and Joshua opening their presents. While her head was still bald, Roman’s hair had grown back in. She stood behind him at the kitchen table and teased him, running her fingers through his thick, dark locks.