Page 24 of Being Free

While she was waiting she took a quick glance around but only a few customers were waiting in line. It was hard not to look at Blake for reassurance but she wasn’t supposed to know him. Anna knew David was alert and also checking out the workers sitting behind the glass walls that made offices. Everyone looked busy and no one was paying any attention to them but Anna wouldn’t be able to relax until they were out of here. The soft relaxing music playing in the background did nothing for her nerves.

A man in his fifties with a gray suit and glasses came out to greet them. He gave them a friendly smile. “Hello, I am Mr. Williams. How can I help you?”

David showed him the papers and introduced himself as Anna’s accountant. Mr. Williams looked over the papers and found them to be in order. He led them to the back of the bank behind a wooden door where the safety boxes were located. Different sized numbered boxes lined the wall.

“Here is box 459.” Mr. Williams pointed to a box on the wall and unlocked it with his key. He turned back to them putting the key in his pocket. “I will let you have your privacy and again, I am sorry about Mr. Matthews.”

Anna smiled sadly and sniffed. “Thank you for your help, sir.”

When he was gone, she opened up the box and set it on the table they had set in the middle of the room for the customers to sit down while they viewed their boxes. She took out her personal papers and pictures and put them in her purse. She gave David the papers she had on Santiago and a small cassette that she had recorded while he was on the phone with Benito. While David was busy looking at the papers, she took out the envelope of cash and put it in her purse.

Now she had the money to disappear if she needed to. She would mourn for Blake, though. She had grown to care deeply for him in such a short time but she also had to make sure Santiago couldn’t get to him.


is great stuff, Anna. I think my boss will definitely help you,” David said with a relieved smile after he was done looking them over. “Sam won’t be happy with the news,” he joked, hoping to get a smile out of her.

Anna sighed with relief. “I just want this all to be over, David. I want a normal life if that is even possible. I forgot what normal was.”

David looked concerned for a minute as he put everything in his brief case. “It’s possible you might have to go to a safe house if you are needed to testify. Since Blake is not your husband, he won’t be allowed to go with you. He might not be happy to let you go. He is a tough son of a bitch but he is also possessive of you, Anna. I know he cares for you. He would never do all this if he didn’t have feelings for you.”

“I know. I love Blake, too, but I want him and his family safe. That is my number one priority and if my being away from him will achieve that goal, then that is what I have to do. He might get angry but at least he’ll be alive to be angry,” she stated firmly.

David agreed with her. “Blake won’t like it but you’re right, Anna. The only way for you to get your freedom once and for all is to put Santiago away for good. Let’s get out of here and go to the hotel. I’ll go see my boss and we’ll discuss a safe hideout for you. The sooner the better.”

Anna was quiet during the ride back to the hotel. She knew she loved Blake but he said he didn’t want to talk about their relationship until this mess was all over. They hadn’t known each other long. He had to care about her a little or he wouldn’t be here with her. He would have handed the responsibility to David and stayed home. She had a lot to think about so she excused herself by saying she needed a nap.

She woke up to something tickling her neck. She wiggled and tried to swat it away with her hand. She heard Blake chuckle and she opened her eyes. He was giving her an amused glance. “You are so cute when you sleep all snuggled with the pillow. I’m jealous of it.”

He took the pillow out of her hand and threw it on the floor. “It’s dinner time but first I say we have desert.”

She looked at him confused, still feeling groggy after her long nap. She sat up and yawned. “You want something sweet right now? Like what? Ice cream sounds good to me.”

He pulled her until she was sitting on his lap. That’s when she noticed he was totally nude. His erection was rubbing against her ass. “No, I want honey.”

His green eyes were glittering with desire and he was smiling at her confused expression. She blushed when she finally caught on then she shook her head. “You are so bad, Blake.”

Blake pulled her shirt off, then her bra. He leaned down and took a nipple into his mouth. She put her hands in his hair and leaned her head back. A soft moan escaped her mouth. She knew she couldn’t be loud with his brothers in the next room so she bit her lip trying to hold the moan in. It was hard when he was feasting on her breasts and making her feel so good.

“Where is everybody?” she whispered softly, running her hands through his short hair.

“David is gone somewhere, Vic is in the shower, and Sam is in the lobby talking to Melody on his cell.”

He laid her across the bed and removed her jeans and panties. “Open wide for me, baby. I’ve been watching you sleep and fantasizing about all the things I wanted to do to you.”

Anna did as he asked and groaned as soon as she felt his tongue sweeping across her pussy. He opened her folds with his finger, inserting two fingers in and out of her. He found her clit, circling around it with his fingertip, increasing the pressure. He loved hearing all the noises she made when she was excited. He alternated between using his mouth and fingers until she came.

Anna sat up and pushed him down until he was laying on the bed on his back. She looked down at his hard erection and smiled.

She straddled his hips and slowly lowered herself onto his hard shaft. She groaned with pleasure and bit her lip. He pulled her down by her long hair to devour her mouth in a deep kiss.

When he let her go, she was breathing hard. She looked down at him with a sultry smile. “Oh, Blake. I have never felt anything as amazing as being with you. You are so sexy even when you’re grumpy.”

“I’m never grumpy,” he denied, holding on to her hips as she rode his cock. “How can I be when you make me feel so damn good all the time?”

She lifted herself up and down a little faster and grinned. “You mean like this?”

“Oh yeah, baby,” he said softly, looking like he was in pain. “Just like that, Anna.”