Page 25 of Being Free

She cupped her breasts with her hands and he licked his lips. She touched the nipple with her fingers, gliding them back and forth across the tip. She smiled at him. “Did I tell you how much I like having you touch my nipples like this but with your tongue?”

“Tease,” he muttered and gripped her hips a little tighter and she knew he was close to coming. She increased her speed a little.

Anna felt the now familiar sensation sweeping over her entire body. It felt like waves of fire then she was free-falling again. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back and let the feeling wash over her. She could easily get addicted to making love with this man. “It just gets better and better.”

Blake groaned and found his own fulfillment. He hugged her tightly against his body, refusing to let her go yet.

* * * *

Anna woke up to someone’s hand on her mouth. She panicked and started hitting out, thinking Santiago’s men had found her.

“Shh, baby, it’s me,” Blake whispered in her ear. He handed her some clothes. “We have company and not the good kind. Vic and Sam are waiting outside the door for us. Hurry.”

Anna swallowed down her fear Santiago had found her, that bastard. Why couldn’t he just leave her alone and move on? She quickly got dressed, leaving her disguise behind, and followed Blake out of the room. He hung onto her hand so she wouldn’t fall or bump into the furniture. She could hear noises coming from the other room as if they were inside searching.

Blake slowly opened the room door and stepped out in to the hallway. Sam and Victor each had a gun in their hands and waited. Victor wasn’t smiling and looked just as hard as his two brothers.

“Luckily I was down the hallway on the phone with Melody. I saw them go in my room first, I went in to Victor’s room and alerted him. Sam said in a hard, cold voice. “That’s when I texted you Blake. By the time they reached Victor’s room we were out here.”

Anna tried not to feel terrified but it was hard with Santiago’s men looking for her. She didn’t want the Murphy brothers getting caught in the crossfire.

“David is on his way,” Victor said in a low voice, leading them quickly down the hallway and to the elevator. Blake pushed the elevator button while Sam and Victor watched to make sure no one snuck up behind them. Anna swore it took forever for the elevator to come up to their floor. By now they had to be in the room she shared with Blake and soon they would be out here searching for them. Blake squeezed her hand and he put her in front of him so she could enter first. The door finally opened and they stepped inside.

Anna heard loud voices yelling behind them. Blake, Sam, and Victor had formed a human wall in front of her so she had to tilt her head to the side and peek out from behind them.

“Anna Marie, the boss wants you home,” Jose said in a calm voice. “We are not here to harm you.”

Blake smirked. “Tell your boss too damn bad.”

She gasped as she saw Kyle pulling out his gun. She held her breath prepared for a hail of bullets to get them but the doors closed and the elevator started moving downward.

“Oh God,” she whispered, leaning on Blake. “That was too close.”

Sam and Victor took the safety off their gun in case the men made it down the stairs before they did.

The doors opened and Blake looked out, turning to the right and to the left. “Clear.”

They ran past the shocked hotel clerk and out the doors. David pulled up to the curve with his tires squealing. He leaned over

and opened the door. Blake pushed Anna in the front and got in next to her while Sam and Victor jumped in the back. Sam had already let him know what was going on while they waited for Anna and Blake to come out of their room.

She looked in the rearview mirror and saw Jose and Kyle coming out the hotel doors and getting on a cell phone. No doubt they were reporting to Santiago. Anna shivered and felt Blake’s arms encircle her and pull her close to him. He kissed her head. “Don’t worry, Anna. We’re all okay.”

“This time,” she whispered.

Chapter 14

The next morning they all headed over to the federal building in where David worked. They had spent the night at David’s small apartment.

Anna had a meeting with David’s boss, Mr. Morrison. She was feeling tense and emotional. She couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. She knew Blake and David were on alert, looking around at their surroundings. Sam and Victor were hidden on top of a building looking down on them to make sure they got into the building safely. After last’s night’s close call, they were taking no chances. The men had been up all night planning the security while she had laid on the couch trying to sleep. Sleep had been impossible.

Facing Santiago, even in a court room, scared the crap out of her. It was hard to comprehend that she had once loved him and thought he was her dream come true. Instead he had turned out to be her nightmare. She was determined to make him pay for Ben’s death and all the wrong he had done to others. He had no regard for human life, only for how much money he could make. She knew she would have to go to a safe house but she feared never seeing Blake again. She realized her feelings for him ran deep into her heart, but how did he feel about her? She didn’t want Blake to think of her as a burden.

He had been quiet and stoic all morning, hardly saying a word to anyone. She assumed he was concentrating on keeping them all safe. Not only did he have her to protect, but she knew he worried about his brothers, too. But what if he wanted to get rid of her? What if he decided she was too much trouble and he wanted to be free of her? So many thoughts and emotions were going on inside of her that she felt like her head wanted to explode.

She felt someone squeezing her hand and she turned toward them. Blake was looking at her. Concern filled his beautiful green eyes. “Are you okay, Anna? We’ve been here for a minute but you were lost far away.”

She tried to smile but she was afraid she failed so she just nodded yes and stepped out into the sunshine. Her sunglasses were covering her red bloodshot eyes. David and Blake flanked her on each side and she knew Victor and Sam were around somewhere. David had two men waiting outside on the front steps of the building to escort them inside.