Page 23 of Being Free

Blake angrily pointed out the gold ring on Santiago’s hand. “Anna says he never takes that ring off. She has a mark on her back where he punched her so hard he left the imprint on her.”

“Bastard,” muttered Sam. “I say we just shoot the bastard and rid the world of him.”

“I’m with you, bro,” Victor agreed with a shake of his head. “He won’t be mourned long.”

David sympathized. “He’ll suffer better in prison. I need Anna to give me all the names of his personal guards and Santiago’s daily schedule.”

“I’ll go see if she is awake,” Blake offered and went into the other room. He hated to wake her. She looked so peaceful and worry free. He leaned down and smoothed her long hair out of her face. She had taken the wig off while they were inside the room.

He kissed her forehead and whispered, “Baby, it’s time to open those beautiful eyes for me.”

“Why?” she mumbled, turning over grumpily. “Still tired.”

Blake laughed and started kissing her cheek and worked his way down to her neck. She moaned but still refused to wake up. He kissed the curve of her shoulder. “In about five minutes I’m going to strip you naked and we’re going to give my brothers a show. They are eager and waiting.”

Anna gasped and sat up in shock. She looked around and saw the room was empty. She gave Blake a cranky look. “You are a horrible man, Blake.”

Blake shrugged and kissed her cheek. “Payback for that scene with Jenna, baby.”

She sat up, put her feet on the ground, and yawned. “Let me wash up and I’ll join you in a minute.”

* * * *

Anna joined them a few minutes later, feeling more awake. Blake pulled her onto his lap. David had the pictures spread across the table. She spotted Santiago’s picture and made a rude face and turned it over.

She looked at the rest of the pictures. She pointed to a thin blond man. “That’s Kyle. He shot Ben.”

She had to blink back tears and she felt Blake’s hand making soothing motions across her back. She swallowed them back and pointed to a short but husky man. “That’s Bob. He is Santiago’s personal guard and goes everywhere with him. The next man is Jerry and that last man is Jose. He’s my guard. He taught me to shoot and took me to the shooting range.”

David passed the pictures to Sam and Victor. “Since you two will be outside, keep an eye out for these guys or Santiago, but he’ll be hard to miss. He travels like he is royalty, with a lot of fanfare.”

“Conceited bastard,” Sam grumbled, making Anna smile.

“You’re going inside with me, right, David?” she asked fearfully.

“We’ll make it as quick as possible, going in and out and back here,” David guaranteed her. “Tomorrow is Wednesday. Do you know Santiago’s normal routine for this day?”

Anna nodded yes. “He has a weekly meeting every Wednesday at one p.m. with his accountant Leroy Anderson. I have never gone with him but I know he’s usually gone at least an hour or more.”

“Okay, we’ll go to the bank then. If we are lucky, Santiago will be busy across town and we can get in and out quietly,” David said.

“Just being here in the same city as him makes my stomach hurt. Knowing Santiago and his men are just miles away from us makes me feel scared,” Anna admitted. “I never thought I’d be back here again.”

“He can’t hurt you, Anna,” Blake assured her. He put her hair back and leaned his chin on her shoulder. He tightened his arms around her waist in a comforting gesture. “Your disguise is good and we’re checked in under my name. Besides, did you see all the guns Sam brought with him? I think he can take Santiago and his men.”

Sam chuckled and agreed with his brother. Victor didn’t want to be left out either so he told Anna which high-powered sniper rifle he was using and she agreed that they could take Santiago’s men.

She smiled, feeling warm inside. She was surrounded by men who cared about her safety. She looked at Blake with a pleading look. “Can we go down to the fitness room and work out? Maybe that will help me get rid of some stress.”

“Sure,” Blake agreed. “I could use a good workout, too.”

“David is taking us out to dinner. Then we’re going to scout the area near the bank and look for good places to keep a look out. Call us if you see anything suspicious and we’ll be right back here,” Sam assured them.

Blake nodded and took Anna back to their own room to change clothes. Melody had given her some extra clothes and she smiled when she found a pair of black yoga pants. With a borrowed T-shirt of Blake’s, she was ready to go run a few miles, virtually of course.

Chapter 13

David and Anna made their way into the First National Bank. The bank was open and airy inside with lots of windows and natural light. Blake was already inside having gone ahead of them. He pretended to be filling out some papers at the rounded table in the middle of the lobby. .Anna’s hands were shaking nervously, but she clung to David’s arm, feeling better that he was with her. She tried to keep her breathing at an even level so she wouldn’t panic again. Since the safe deposit box was in Ben’s name, David had pulled some strings and got Ben’s death certificate and will naming her next of kin. She had her ID ready and she had put her long black hair up in a bun, hoping to keep her look different without the wig. She wore jeans and a purple T-shirt. She went up to the nearest teller and quietly asked for the manager.