Page 239 of Body Heat

“Wow, I’ve never known you to be all defensive,” he laughs nervously, and I can sense that I’m not the only one that has something to ask, he does too.

“Fuck it; I need a drink!”

“To tell me about you and Emily?”

He raises an eyebrow. I can’t believe that he knew all along.

“How did you know?”

He laughs, “When you went to Vegas. Katie called because Emily wasn’t picking up her phone. She called Michelle, and you know what women are like. Anyway, it seems that they were worried because Emily’s been so stress lately with the business.”

“Two G&T’s,” I signal to the waiter, but I’m still shocked about Ben knowing all this time.

“And you never said anything?”

He shakes his head, “We’ve been friends a long time, and I know that you’re not the type of guy to take advantage of her. And you can’t help who you fall in love with.”

I nod my head, thinking that my oldest friend make’s perfect sense. I feel a fool forever been nervous about the whole thing.

“No. I knew that when you and Emily were ready to tell the world. We would be the first on your list. Besides I’m not the kind of guy to interfere in my daughter’s love life. Anyway, things aren’t great for me at the moment. I don’t want to think of anything else but good things at the moment to keep me going.”

“Tell me, what’s going on?”

He shakes his head, and we both know that I’m not going to be fobbed off with a simple head shake. There’s something bugging him, and I want to know the reason that he seems so nervous.

“I’ve decided to close up shop. I’m folding the business.”

“What the..”

“Marvin I know that I could turn to you, but how many times can you bail me out. This has been a long time coming. You want to hear the funniest thing about it all?”

I shake my head wondering why he never came to me?

Feeling like a fool for mopping around and all the time ignoring the one friend that I’ve known since college, needed help.


He sighs as he finishes his drink and signals to the waiter for another one.

“I feel fucking free. I don’t have to worry about my marriage being on the rocks for staying out late. I don’t have to think about anything twenty-four-seven. I didn’t realize until now, that I’ve been running a business that hasn’t made any profit for years and I’ve been trying to keep it above water for all the wrong reasons.”

r /> “What do you mean?”

“The only reason I’m even doing all this is for sentimental reasons. I should have shut up shop a long time ago.”

“Don’t say that,” I shake my head trying to get rid of the guilt and trying to make some sense of it all.

“I’ve sold it. Someone else can deal with the shit, and it’s enough to pay off the loan. Barely. And that’s the most important thing. Not having to move. So, it’s not all bad.”

“I suppose,” I whisper as I start to knock back my drink and get rid of the pain. The ache of missing Emily and not helping my friend when he was in need, even if he says that he’s happy the shock of it all hasn’t hit him. I’m sure that in few days, he’ll be regretting his decision. That part I’m certain off for sure.

“Now, you going to tell me your side of the story?”

“Ben, what do you mean?”

He laughs, “I know that you called me for a reason. It wasn’t to tell me that Emily and you were over. It was for another reason. I already know that something’s up. Katie's been on the phone.”

“You’re one step ahead of me. Aren’t you?”