He laughs, “For once in my life I’m ahead of you. Not the other way around. Now, are you going to tell me what happened? Or am I going to have to listen to Emily’s side of the story?”
I shake my head, but as I start to tell him. He comes out with something that I could kiss him for right now.
He’s going to help, just as I’d hoped he would and it’ll just involve Emily listening which is something that she’s not doing at the moment. I know that it’s a glimmer of hope, but that’s all I have right now.
Hope that she’ll at least listen and I know that at least if she does that then maybe, just maybe she’ll see that I’m not evil.
I was just a man after her heart.
Chapter Seventeen
The last few days have been crazy, I’ve been trying to focus, and it has been so hard to do it without thinking of him. My parents have summoned me to the house this weekend. Dad sounds a lot happier, but I don’t want to tell him about my problems with Marvin or the fact that my business has gone from being on in the slumps to a little empire at the moment. The new Marketing Manager is taking things in the right direction. Contracts that were canceled have been replaced with new ones, more profitable ones.
I ring the bell and think about the fact that I’ve gone from being so low to being so high lately.
“There she is!” mom smiles as she opens the door.
Wow, the way she’s acting, it’s as if she hasn’t seen me in years. When she only met me last week for lunch. She didn’t stop talking, and it’s funny seeing her now with her blonde highlights and her new hair cut. Maybe selling the company wasn’t only the best thing for dad, but her too.
“Hi, mom. Sorry, I’m late.”
She waves her hand, “If you ever turned up on time anywhere. Now that would be a surprise.”
“I suppose,” I mumble as I hand her the bottle of wine that I got from the store on the way here.
“You didn’t need to do that.”
I nod, knowing that I didn’t, but it makes a nice change from buying a bottle for myself and using it to help me sleep. Which has been a bad habit lately, one that I need to break before it gets out of hand?
“I know, but I thought that you might like it.”
She kisses me on the cheek, “I do.”
I walk around the house and notice that it’s empty. I thought that dad was going to be here and we were going to have dinner together.
“Oh, dad’s not there. They’re at the back..”
“Who’s they?”
She doesn’t answer me as I follow her to the back. I’m not sure how I never noticed the smoke before but as I see both dad and Marvin sharing a beer. I have the answer to my question.
Holy crap! The last thing I need is to see him. I feel like taking the wine that she’s holding in her hand and going back out where I just came from. I want to scream that it’s a problem. A big fucking problem and I don’t want to be anywhere near that man.
My eyes dart to mom as she smiles, “Marvin said that he'd join us.”
I stop at the porch doors, “It’s not a problem is it, Emily?”
I want to do the one thing that I’m good at..run!
I don’t want to be anywhere near him, and the idea of pretending is too much for me to bear. Mom smiles and I wonder if he’s told them. Did he tell them that he used me to get to Vegas? Made me fall for him knowing that he was the main reason that my company was in trouble.
Did he tell them that?
No, I bet he didn’t because he’s the type of man that loves to act like a snake. That’s the part of him that I missed out on the whole trip.