Page 189 of Body Heat

I don’t hesitate in whispering, “Yes,” as he starts to suck on them like he’s sucking a drink through a straw. He’s sucking on them so hard and making primal noises.


And then his sucking turns to a bite, not an aggressive bite, but more of a tease and then he starts to moan and so do I as his movements are so gentle and slow.

Nothing like yesterday, it’s as if he’s a different person, he’s not touching my body with his fingers. It’s as if he just wants to taste every part of me.

I wonder if its been on his mind all day?

It that was the case then why did he leave me?

Why did he have me eating alone?

I hate the way that he’s making me feel. I crave his touch, body and most of all his lips. I want him to kiss me. That’s the only thing that he hasn’t tasted since he’s been exploring me. Why won’t he kiss my lips?

As he moves above me. I can feel him breathing over my face. In my darkness, I cup his face and then he moves away from me.

“This time I’m going to fuck you.”


But he has his finger on my lips. I open my mouth and suck it. Seeing as he doesn’t want his lips near mine.

“I’m going to fuck you so hard, that you’ll never forget it.”

I want to tell him that last night, hoovering in mid-air and being fucked on the swing was memorable and something that I’d never forget in a hurry. I wonder what he thinks that he’s going to do on the bed that’ll top that?

He completely moves away from me and once again I imagine him stripping and the temptation to look is on my mind, but then I think that if I do. If I break the rules, then it will be over. I don’t know what the time is, but I know that we only have one night. He left me today and I want to make sure that he doesn’t do the same thing tomorrow.

I want him to think of me as the best submissive that he’s ever had and then as I hear the condom packet open. I start to move my hips so that I can take of my panties.

“I never said that you should take them off. Leave them where they are. That’s my job.”

His voice is moving around, he’s not standing still and I have so many thoughts raising through my mind.

“I left you today, so that you could heal. I didn’t want to have the temptation of being near you today.”

I smile at the idea that he was thinking of me today. That was playing on my mind, all waited for him.

I never even used to wait for Sam. If he was around and then it would be a bonus. If not, then I could do all the things that I couldn’t do whenever Sam was around and that was my free time. The time for me to be myself.

Joshua starts playing with me, “I can see that you’re wet, but not wet enough.”

I open my legs wider as his fingers near my entrance and my panties are still on. Begging him to take them off. They’re wet and I’m embarrassed at the way that he can make me wet by just walking in the room. He did it at the ball when I first saw him. I can’t believe that it was only yesterday. Since then so much has happened between us, but as he’s still a stranger I feel that nothing has happened at all.

“I don’t want you to hurt. We have all day tomorrow and if you’re a good girl then all night all over again in the playroom.”

He has it all planned out, but there’s just one thing. If it means him spanking me the same way that he did last night. I don’t want to be a good girl, I’ll do everything in my power to be bad. He can swing me all through the night. Fuck me anyway he wants in the swing as long as he does it. As long as his thick cock fills me up.

“I need you to be dripping like you were last night. I wonder what will make you drip?”

I don’t know if it’s his accent or the way he pronounces every single word, but that’s alone to start a waterfall in between my legs.

“What did you enjoy more about last night?”

I’m just about to answer him, when he’s back sucking on my nipple again. He’s moving from one to the next quickly one minute and then slowly the next.

“Hmm,” I purr as I’m unable to speak as he bites my areole and then once again there’s something in between my legs. But I’m sure that it’s not his fingers. It’s his big, fat cock.