Page 188 of Body Heat

“Go ahead, I’m sure he won’t mind. After all you’re waiting for him to come back.”

I shrugged, thinking that I couldn’t tell her the truth. That I’d won him in an auction and even though I was naked in the room. He’s seen my whole body. He even knows what I taste like down there, but I know nothing about him.

“I’m still a little tired from late night,” I stretched out and faked a yawn.

“Oh, go and lie down. Sorry, there I was talking and talking. I’m sure he’ll be home soon and then you can catch up.”

That’s the main reason why I need to lie down. If he has as much energy as he did last night, then I need to sleep for a while.

“Sure,” then I walk up to her. I’m not sure why but I kiss her on both cheeks and say, “Lunch was great, it really filled me up.”

“I’m glad you liked it. If you want any more then all you have to do is shout or you can just help yourself if I’m not around.”

“Oh, you don’t live here?”

She shakes her head, and I’m so relieved because when I saw her I did worry that when I was screaming through the night she must have heard me.

“No, I just come for a

few hours every day.”

“Every day?”

He lives alone, what’s to clean every day? I realized that as much as I said that I didn’t want to pry, I was doing it because I had no one else to talk to and I was curious like crazy about Joshua.

“Yes, Mr. Moore loves his house to be clean. Anyway, I need to get with it, so that I can get home early today.”

I smile and wave at her, she does the same to me. I ponder for a minute about the playroom. I wonder if she cleans in there?

Some things are best not thought about. I start to climb the stairs and as soon as I get to the top, I start to feel sleepy. I knew that I’d eaten too much even it wasn’t on purpose. Or maybe it was because I hadn’t slept for a while, but I was so sleepy once I hit the sack. And within a few seconds I’m fast asleep.

Something wakes me up which feels like forever, or maybe it was a few minutes later. I don’t even know what time it is, but I’m wearing a cream flowery summer dress. I couldn’t be bothered to take it off when I came to lie down. That’s when I feel his hands on my feet. It feels ticklish, and then it surpasses as his hands start to stroke my leg. I should face him. Even have a conversation with him, but I know that he’s here to play with me.

Tease me.

And then at the end of it, please me.

I let him take control as he plays with my leg, wondering if he’s going to take my dress off. It’s as if the element of surprise is missing and I look up to see if I can read him. I’ve just met him, but I have a feeling that he’s keeping me at arm’s length. Not just because my aunt bid for him at the auction but for another reason.

I shut and open my eyes as I think that my mind is playing tricks with me again. A man has taken me to a new level sexually and again I’m confused about what it all means.

He looks different today, not only because he’s wearing a black polo shirt and matching pants, but he seems relaxed but then he’s still tense at the same time. He hasn't even said hello yet, but then again, neither have I.

“Close your eyes.”

I’m about to say something, but then I change my mind as I remember the rules. His house. His rules and his games.

I feel something soft and moist tracing lines up and down the inside of my thighs. It’s definitely not his fingers, it feels too smooth for that, and then I smile imagining it to be his cock. As it becomes moister, I realize that it’s his tongue. It sends tingle sensations up and down my body knowing that he can’t stop tasting me. Earlier I used the strawberry bath salts that were in the bathroom, after he made a point of saying that I tasted like honey. I couldn’t think why, but I thought today I’ll try and taste of something else. It seems to be working because he’s lacing my body with his tongue. Not leaving one part untouched, but then he stops for a minute as he gets to my navel area.

I start to arch my back slightly, as I feel him peel away my dress above my head. I still keep my eyes close. No longer tempted to look at Joshua knowing that it’s his tongue that he’s using all over my body.

Even when he puts his hands at my back and unclasps my bra leaving me exposed once again, I can feel his tongue circling my nipples.

He breaks away for a second, “I could lick you all day.”

I smile, “Please do.”

“Did you miss me?”