Veronica nuzzled her head into Frank’s chest, and he ran his hand up and down her back. She realized that a soft smile had made its way onto her face, indicative of her deep satisfaction. She knew that the next day she would be sore between her legs, and she had never been so happy about anticipating pain.
They stayed that way, silently laying with each other in his chair. Eventually, Veronica lifted her hips up off him, and winced a little when his softened member left her.
“Are you alright?” Frank asked, his dark eyes shining with concern. His hands cupped her face and gently stroked over her hair.
“I’m…” Veronica shook her head with wonderment. “I haven’t felt so incredible in a long time.”
“Neither have I,” Frank whispered with a smile. He gathered her close to his chest and placed a tender kiss on her forehead.
They lingered there for a while longer. After a while, Veronica felt Frank stir beneath her, and before she knew it, she was settled bridal style in his arms, and he rose from the chair.
“Come on, let’s get cleaned up,” Frank smiled down at her.
He carried her into the small bathroom that was connected to the office. It was just a half bath, but a very nice one. Frank set her down on the long counter, and reached to a stack of wash clothes and hand towels closer to the sink. He turned on the hot water and let it warm, then soaked it and wrung it out.
Veronica could see a spark of Darkness in Frank’s eyes as he ran the cloth up between her thighs, and gently bathed her sex. She felt a soft surge of desire, and she squirmed a little under his hand. Soon, though, he was done, and she felt a little disappointed when he withdrew. She must have pouted, for Frank chuckled at her.
“Always ready, I see,” he noted playfully, and kissed her cheek. He got another washrag, and bathed his own member, and then turned to open the door of the closet along one of the walls.
Veronica watched as he withdrew two robes, one dark green and the other a deep scarlet. He handed her the green one, and then put on the scarlet one himself.
“Don’t want to give the girls a scare in case they’re out of bed,” Frank smiled at her.
“You sure are prepared,” Veronica noted as she hopped down from the counter and put on the robe.
“Well my wife and I were… adventurous in our youth,” Frank said with a small smile.
“Wait, I this… hers?” Veronica asked, holding up the hem of her robe.
“Don’t worry, it’s been washed,” Frank said playfully.
“Frank…” Veronica said seriously, concerned
for his emotional state.
“I like my name in your mouth,” Frank purred, moving to place his hands on her waist. “And I like that robe on your body.”
Veronica frowned a little, still feeling uncomfortable.
“Come on, trust me,” Frank said gently. “Let’s go up to bed.”
Veronica hesitated a moment more, but finally she relented, and took Frank’s hand as he led her out of the bathroom.
They both gathered up their clothes from the office, not wanting to cause a scandal with the rest of the staff. Then, Frank led her quietly up the stairs and past the hallway of the girl’s room, and into the hallway where Veronica knew her own room was.
He did not go into her room, but rather opened the door across from it. He stepped into the room, pulling Veronica in behind him, and then shut the door. This room much like hers, was outfitted with small sofas, dark wood dressers, and a cream colored rug to match his cream colored bedding. The main feature, though, was the elegant four post bed, though his did not include curtains.
Veronica could tell what side he slept on from the nightstand. Veronica couldn’t help but realize that the other side had likely been where his wife slept. She watched Frank get ready for bed and take off his robe, and he waited expectantly for her to do the same.
“Come on,” he said easily, gesturing to the other side of the bed.
“Maybe I should just go to my room,” Veronica said softly. “I just don’t feel right… I mean just this had already been a lot to take in.”
Frank blinked, an expression of concern passing over his face.
“I’m sorry,” he shook his head. “I never meant to…”