“No, no,” Veronica held up her hands. “I wanted everything that we did, that’s not it. I just… it’s a lot to take in, and maybe we should both give each other time to process all this…”
Frank took in her words and let out a soft sigh.
“You’re right,” he said, and gave her a smile. He moved over to her and gathered her in a gentle hug. Veronica let out a long breath through her nose as she wrapped her arms around his torso. They stood that way for a long moment.
“Come on,” Frank finally whispered, looking down at her with his familiar easy smile.
Veronica let him lead her back out of his room, and across the hall into her own. They entered the room, and he crossed to her bed, turning down the comforter so that she could easily get in.
Veronica slipped out of the green robe, and made to hand it back to him, but Frank held up his hands.
“Hold on to it,” he said softly. “Just in case.”
Veronica wanted to protest, but she figured she had already won one battle for the night, and it wouldn’t kill her to hold on to the robe.
“Thank you,” she said softly.
“You’re welcome,” Frank murmured, and ran his fingertips along her cheekbone.
“Goodnight,” Veronica faintly whispered, momentarily regretting her wish to be separated for the night. Frank chuckled.
“I’ll see myself out,” Franks aid, and made his way to the door. He lingered in the doorway for a moment, looking back at her with an expression she couldn’t quite read.
“Goodnight Veronica,” he said, his voice hushed. Then, he turned his back and shut the door behind him.
Veronica let out a shuddering breath, a little shocked by the events that had just transpired. She undid the tie of the sash of the robe, and took it off. She held it in her hand and looked at it for a moment. She vaguely wondered what his wife had been like. She wondered if Frank would ever want to talk about her.
Veronica shook her head, dismissing the notion. She had to force herself to remember that she was not about to try and have a relationship with her boss. The reality of what had just transpired between them finally hit her.
Not only had she slept with her boss, but she had cheated on Calvin. She felt a rush of guilt. It didn’t matter how sexually intrigued she was by him; she was supposed to be faithful to her boyfriend.
Feeling disgusted with herself, and suddenly very tired, she made her way over to the bed and crawled into it. She set an alarm for six the next morning, and she made the decision that tomorrow, she would have to tell Frank that this was not possible, and that they couldn’t keep this, whatever it was, going.
With that in mind, Veronica settled down into a fitful sleep, her emotions rolling all through the night.
After her indiscretion with her boss, rich lawyer Frank Davenport, Veronica Lawrence is locked in emotional turmoil. She feels horrible for cheating on Calvin, but at the same time she is faced with the fact that she and her employer seem to share a strange and powerful bond. Though she tries to resist him, Veronica finds that it is nearly impossible for her to keep herself from falling for him more and more every day.
Even as Veronica grows closer to Frank, though, she is agonizing over her relationship with Calvin. They keep in touch exclusively through phone calls, so it is easy for Veronica to keep her infidelity under wraps. She knows, though, that at some point the truth will have to come out, and that she must decide whether to fight for her relationship with Calvin, or to let him go and pursue a life with Frank.
Unfortunately for her, she will likely have to make up her mind far sooner than she anticipated.
Veronica tossed and turned through the night, and ended up spending half of the time staring up at the ceiling rather than sleeping. She managed to get a few hours, but she was still highly disgruntled when her alarm rang. Grumbling, she rose, and moved to the closet to pick out a set of clothes for her morning jog.
It was still about an hour until she needed to start making a breakfast for herself and the girls, so she was looking forward to clearing her head on this run. She quietly left her room, and hesitated in the hallway, looking across at Frank’s door.
After a moment, she released a sigh and continued into the main hall and down the stairs, silently exiting the house.
Veronica was unfamiliar with the expanse of the property, but she figured it would be large enough to get in a few miles. So, she turned on the GPS on her phone, and set off along the long driveway, and then into a path that led into the trees that decorated the property.
While much of the land on the estate was very deliberately managed and cultivated, this particular section of trees seemed largely untamed, save for the path that wound around it. As she looked around, she was even a little surprised to find a brook running through them. It really was beautiful, and once again Veronica found herself in awe of her surroundings.
As she ran, Veronica’s mind couldn’t keep from traveling back to the previous night, and particularly about the way Frank had made her feel. She had felt like a woman again. For so long, she just felt dull and uninterested in her own life. She had fallen into a routine, and become nearly detached from enjoying life itself.