“Valentina, are you coming out or what?”
“No, not until you leave!”
Fine! I’ll fucking leave if that’s what she wants. I’ll go to the party, they’ll be plenty of girls to satisfy my needs, and she’s not one of them. That’s her loss, not mine. I don’t know what I was thinking about coming over here like this. Apologizing and making out that I was in the wrong. There was a time that she could come and speak to me. She could have done that little effort. She didn’t want to. As usual, it’s always the guy's fault. Even when he’s not completely in the wrong.
Chapter Eighteen
I fucking hate him!
My blood’s boiling at the idea that he can come in here and just expect me to kneel down to him. What does he think he is? Some God or something? That no one has feelings, only he has them, and those are more important than anyone else’s.
I have my phone in my hand, and I’m so tempted to call Harper, to tell her about him. But, I know that she’ll freak and then tell me that I won’t be able to handle anything that he does. Accept, I just threw him out of my bedroom by locking myself in the bathroom. I locked it to make sure that he didn’t attempt to come in.
It took every last ounce of me to say no to him. It was so hard, but I did it and I’m proud. I should be thinking about getting out there, especially after hearing the door slam. But there’s one problem. I just don’t trust him. I think that the second I open the door. He’s going to be out there. Waiting for me to come in.
I sit on the floor and play Candy Crush for a while until I think that maybe he’ll give up and then head out. I never had time to play games; I didn’t have time to do anything. Everything was all about work. That’s been the best thing about working here. Sure, it’s hard work, but at least I get to chill for a minute.
Not long and not often, but enough to get a decent night’s sleep in a bed that has fresh sheets which aren’t the cheapest from the local Walmart. These are the kind of sheets that stars sleep in. Something that I hope to be one day, I’m just not sure when that day starts or ends at the moment.
My phone rings and I automatically pick it up by accident. I just hope that it isn’t him.
“Hello,” I say quietly debating whether to hang up instantly if it is him.
“Hey, Valentina. Are you not coming?”
I don't recognize the voice on the other line.
“This is Kevin. Eric just got here, and he said that you refused to come.”
Oh, did he now! Why didn’t he tell Kevin that I was just sick? That’s exactly what I told Eric.
I start to cough, “No, it’s just that I’m not used to it being so cold. I think that I’ve caught a cold or something.”
“Really? Sorry about that, you seemed fine earlier. I suppose you’re used to the hot LA climates now. Shoot now I feel bad. Eric never said that you were sick.”
That’s Eric for you! I told him that I had a headache and he went and said a completely different story. What is it with him? He ignores me for days and then all of a sudden he wants to be my best friend, lover or whore? I don’t care; things have been working well lately. He’s kept his distance, and I’ve kept mine. It doesn’t have to change, it’s out of his control because I’m not going to let it.
“Maybe I should get you something. You know to make you feel better.”
His voice is changing, and if I didn’t know better, then I would think that he was flirting.
Holy crap!
Why am I so slow at times? Kevin’s asked me out so many times, but always with the other guys. I just didn’t think that he was interested, but then again I’ve spent most of my time trying to learn my lines and keep away from Eric. I’m not on the look out for a relationship, I’m twenty-two and so far I live in a box. I’ve only slept with one man, and I need to make my life better. Not only to prove something to myself, but to my parents too. They think that I’ll sell myself or do something unethical to make it big. I don’t even need to do that. I just need to follow my heart. That’s acting and what I have with Eric is just lust. It needs
to fade like a bad dream. I wish it will just go away.
“No Kevin. Sorry, I need to be left alone. I just..”
“I know, small town girl. Missing home. I’ll be over in about twenty minutes. I know exactly what you need.”
Before I can say another thing, he hangs up. It looks as if he’s coming to join me. Whether I like it or not!