Page 285 of Body Heat

“So, why were you going to the party?”

She may be a good actress, but she’s a pretty shit liar. I’ve

seen her in action, and it’s always painful. She starts to bite her lips and then her eyes dart from every angle of the room. Away from the person that she’s talking to and anyone else would find it childish, but I find it sexy as hell.

“Because I didn’t have a headache then,” she puts her arms on her hips. “Eric, I don’t know what you came here for?”

“To take you to the party. I said that already.”

I can see that she’s getting flustered and I never meant to be rude or even make her feel small. She asked a question, and I just told her the answer to it. But, I can tell that she’s starting to get even more annoyed.

“Anyhow. I just know that you’ve been here for how long?”

“Eight days.”

She sighs as if she’s trying to make a point and as much as she’s trying to do it. She’s failing miserably. I want her so fucking badly, but I can’t. I won’t. It wouldn’t be right and as much as I hate to admit that I’m in the wrong. I know that I have to start right here and now.

“Valentina. Can we start again?”

“What just like that? You expect me to bend over backward when you haven’t even tried to speak to me. Not once.”

I sigh, “I know, and this is fucking hard for me. I don’t apologize for anything. Never in my life. I've always been the one to sulk or make it that it's someone else's fault. But I know that what I did to you was wrong. I don’t even know where to begin, but I do know that I want to try and make things right."

“Let’s start Eric with why did you call the taxi that day? You didn’t even tell me that one was on the way and you just shoved me out of the door.”

“Can I sit down?”

She’s rolling her eyes, her arms are folded, and she’s pushing her breasts to the front. I know that she’s not doing it for my benefit, but it feels as if it’s going to take a lot more than an apology for her to forgive me. I don’t blame her. I was an ass, and she deserves better than that.


She points to the bed, and I want to ask her to sit down too. Just so that we can talk. Nothing else.

“My cars had been repossessed that day, and I’d just found out. I was talking to you and getting distracted, but I was frustrated.”

“I see. And when we started shooting. When you saw me at the airport. Why then too?”

“Because we both needed this job. We needed to focus, and I just thought that if we did…”

We’re both quiet at this point; I know that I don’t need to elaborate any more on this part. She knows what I’m about to say.

“Anyway, I just thought that it was in our best interests not to talk or get distracted.”

She nods her head, “That’s why you need to leave here and not go to the party.”


“We have just over three weeks until we leave Aspen. I can go on another three more without seeing you unless it's in front of the camera. We don't need to be friends or try and make-up. We spent one night together; there were no promises, so we can just leave it like that.”

I sound like a broken record as I repeat, “What?”

“Eric you thought that you were going to come here. Seduce me, maybe because you’re bored and I would fall for you. Again. No, not this time buster. If you insist on going to the party, then I can stay here. I’m not bored; I have lines to learn and books to read, I don't need to socialize.”

Fuck! What's got into her?

She doesn't wait for me to say anything, but then starts pacing the room and blurts out, “I don’t need company right now and especially not yours.”

She turns her back on me and then heads into the bathroom. The only place that she can get away from me. I sit on the bed. Then I get up and pace a bit more. She’s not coming out. Fuck, this isn’t the way that I’d envisaged this apology. Not one bit.