Page 8 of Saving Her

He kissed me. Traced his lips down my neck. Squeezed my breasts and hungrily sucked at my nipples. My hand moved faster, a part of me wanting him to do it already, to stick his cock inside me and give me the fuck of a lifetime. I played it out, kept my hand where it was, and just lost myself in what he was doing to my breasts.

“Fuck me, Kyle,” I whispered. “Do it now, please, now!”

He pushed inside me with one long thrust, his cock spreading my pussy wide, my breath catching in my throat. He pushed deeper, filling me up completely, my pussy squeezing down on him in an attempt to keep him inside forever. He began to move, slowly at first, his every inch sending bolts of electricity through my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist, the heels of my feet pressed against his ass, pushing him back into me every time he pulled out.

His pace quickened, his thrusts become deeper and faster, until he was pounding me for all his worth. I screamed in pleasure, lights flashing on and off in my head as he fucked me. His urgency turned me on even more, and I pulled him to me, hugging him and scratching at his back. The bed springs sang out in blissful harmony as we moved, and a part of me thought that he would fuck me so hard, the bed would collapse underneath us. He was good. Very good. Incredible, even. And I was hit with one orgasm after the other.

“Fuck me, Kyle!” I screamed, and he was more than eager to comply. I had no idea how long we would go, but in my mind, it lasted all night. He would stop in the middle, giving me a chance to catch my breath, teasing me with his cock before ramming it inside me again. And it went on and on, as if there would be no end to the pleasures I was feeling. I bucked my hips up against him, took him in deeper when I could, begged him to fuck me harder and faster. In my head, he was always willing to give more, to do more.

My last orgasm hit me so hard, I felt the world around me spin out of control. My head swirled, my eyes rolled back in their sockets, and my body shuddered. Waves of pleasure washed over me, embracing me in their warmth, the heat of my body forcing me to sweat into the sheets despite the ominous chill that lingered in the house. I felt incredible.

When I had finally caught my breath, I slowly opened my eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning. The lights were out, the only illumination coming in through the window from the streetlights outside. My body was drenched in sweat, my breaths uneven and my heart pounding in my chest.

I was gushing. My fingers were buried inside me, my panties now a wet mess I would have to change. I pulled my hand back, a quick shudder hitting me when my fingers grazed my clit, and I slowly allowed my body to relax. I closed my eyes again, allowing this short bout of bliss to envelope me completely before I knew I would have to get up and change.

My cellphone rang, the shrillness scaring me and bringing me back to the real world a little too quickly. I rolled over and grabbed it.

“Where the fuck are you?” Dennis screamed from the other line.

“I’m sorry, I was–”

“Save it!” Dennis interrupted. “Get your ass over here and pick me up. This asshole won’t give me my car keys.”

He was drunk, his words slurring and forcing me to concentrate just to understand what he was saying. A part of me had wished he would actually find some slut at the bar and spend the night with her in a motel, away from me, leaving me to enjoy one peaceful night alone.

“Did you hear what I fucking said?” he screamed, and I winced.

“I’m on my way,” I whispered.

“Hurry the fuck up!”

He hung up. I sat in bed for a few seconds, my mind racing until tears began to flow down my face.

I couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t take another night of abuse. I knew exactly what would happen. I knew that, if the verbal abuse didn’t kill me on the drive back home, the physical one would be too much to bear. He was already angry, and it was typical Dennis to take that anger out on me. Picking him up meant delivering myself to a beating. Not picking him up would probably be worse.

Then get the fuck out. Leave. He’s not coming home any time soon. There’s a window of opportunity here.

I bit my lip, trying to control my sobs, and briefly glanced at the closet. In five minutes, Dennis was going to call me to make sure I was on my way. It would be another fifteen minutes before he called a cab, seething with anger on the ride back and ready to bash my skull in with his fists.

I had less than half an hour.

I hesitated for the briefest of moments, unsure of whether or not I should finally listen to the small voice in the back of my head. Then I quickly jumped out of bed, pulled my suitcase out of the closet, and began packing in a hurry.

I had half an hour.

Chapter 4: Andy

Hannah showed up at my door just as expected. Early, impatient, and immediately scanning my apartment for signs of last night.

She was like a bloodhound. Could smell pussy from a mile away, and always managed to call me out on my sexcapades. It didn’t matter if I had been fucking a girl last night, or a week before. She always knew, and to be frank, it scared me sometimes. There were nights I imagined Hannah standing by my bed while I slept, knife in hand, ready to cut off my cock. Why I had gotten myself involved with her in the first place was beyond me.

Because she’s great in bed. And has the breasts of a Greek goddess.

Both true, but not enough to make up for the Pandora’s Box of craziness that was lodged somewhere in that head of hers. The first time I had introduced her to Bobby, he had waited patiently until she excused herself to go to the bathroom, then turned to me and told me to get out while I still had all my body parts. I had laughed it off. In retrospect, I probably should have taken him much more seriously.

“Where is she?” Hannah asked after a quick inspection of the living room. It had taken her only five minutes and one room to figure it out. I was in the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee and almost spilling half of it.

“Who?” I asked.