Page 9 of Saving Her

“The hussy you were with last night.”

I turned to her and raised an eyebrow. “What hussy?”

Hannah pointed an angry finger at me. “Don’t start with me, Andy. I know you had someone here last night.”

“You’re imagining things again,” I shot back, already beginning to fume in frustration. I shouldn’t have been acting this way. It was none of her fucking business who I brought home. We had agreed a long time ago that we wouldn’t be exclusive, but apparently, she had come to the crazy conclusion that the rule only applied to her. And I was playing along.

“Stop treating me like I’m some nutcase,” Hannah hissed. “Just man up and tell me who she is. Another college student? Were you drilling holes in younger fields, Andy?”

“Okay, first of all,” I said, turning around and shooting her an annoyed look, “where I drill holes is none of your fucking business. Second of all, you’re the one who wanted an open relationship, remember? It’s not like you’re fucking Mother Teresa, okay.”

Hannah screamed in frustration and threw her purse at me, narrowly missing my head as it hit the cabinet behind me then fell on the coffee machine. I jumped back when it toppled off the counter and smashed into pieces on the floor, coffee spreading everywhere.

“What the fuck, Hannah?” I yelled.

“You asshole!” she screamed at me, racing past the kitchen counter and throwing punches at me. “You fucking bastard! I do everything for you, and you don’t even have the respect to tell me you’re fucking other women!”

I grabbed her wrists, turned her around and pulled her into an embrace that left little room for her to move. She fought my hold, reminding me that she was a lot stronger than she looked, but I kept her in place.

“No one was here!” I yelled at her. “For fuck’s sake, just calm down!”

“You’re a fucking liar, Andy!”

“I said, calm down!”

She struggled a little more, but eventually gave up completely and just stood there limp in my arms. After a few seconds of silence, her shoulders began to shake, and I could hear soft sobs escaping her lips. It wasn’t like Hannah to show weakness, and although she was crying now, she would do everything she could not to show it. I didn’t dare turn her around. She’d scratch my eyes out if I let her go.

“Nobody was here,” I said, kissing her head. “I promise. Just you, baby.”

She sobbed a little more, sniffed loudly, then nodded. “Let me go,” she whispered. “I’m fine.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, still hesitant.

“Let go, Andy,” she said. “If I wanted to hurt you, I would have.”

I believed her, so I let her go.

She pushed away from me, hit me with her elbow for good measure, then walked back into the living room. She kicked off her shoes and began pulling her shirt off.

“Woah, slow down,” I said.

She stopped and turned to me, her shirt around her neck and giving me a full view of her beautiful breasts behind a lace, black bra. I felt myself start getting harder instantly.

“I have to be at work in half an hour,” I said.

She dropped the shirt and shot me an angry glare. “Since when did that stop you?”

“Since the Chief’s started giving me crap after last night.”

She frowned. “You’re a hero,” she said. “The great Andy Stetson.”

“The Chief seems to think otherwise,” I smiled. “I think he used the word reckless and hotheaded a few times, too.”

Hannah looked at me, her eyes boring into mine, trying to figure out if I was lying or not. The truth was, last night had taken me out of it, and if she did drag me to bed, she would tell instantly that my mind and body weren’t into it.

Hannah clicked her tongue, pulled her shirt off and threw it onto the couch, and began unbuttoning her jeans as she made her way towards the bedroom. “You have two minutes to get your ass inside,” she said.

I sighed, ran a hand through my hair and looked down at the mess on the floor. One day I was going to have to find a way to get rid of her without having to worry about being run over while crossing an intersection.