Page 214 of Saving Her

Once we say our goodbyes and I make my way out the door, I gulp down the thick ball of emotion that lodges itself firmly in my throat. I haven’t been in the big city without Jenny, and I didn’t think I’d ever have to be. Maybe that just shows off my naivety. Of course people move on with their lives, no one will stick around just for me. I don’t even expect them too.

“Hey, Summer,” one of the other girls calls out as I walk through the door to the club. “Glad to see you back again.”

“Erm, it’s Serena, actually...” I reply, but I don’t even think she’s listening.

As the girls stand around plastering more make up and fake tan on their bodies, it becomes e

ven more acutely obvious how different I am from them all. I’m happy to be pale and natural. I have a little make up on my eyes but that’s it. I’ve run a brush through my hair, but I haven’t styled it like these lot. I just don’t think I can do it without Jenny. If she gets the job, I might have to leave the job as well as the apartment. I might have to go back home after all...

“Jenny is sick, huh?” the boss, who’s name I’m not even sure of, demands. His tall, muscular stature makes him a little overbearing and terrifying. “What’s wrong with her.”

Obviously she’s lied, I need to keep up with that, just in case. I have confidence in her that she’ll succeed at her interview, but she’ll need this as a back up just in case. “Oh yeah, I don’t know exactly.” Are my cheeks going red? Am I giving the game away without even meaning too? “She’s just been throwing up all day long.”

“Not pregnant, is she?” he replies in a gruff, uncaring manner. “Can’t have her here if she’s pregnant. Health and safety and all that.”

Oh well that’s just lovely, isn’t it? What a nice man. “No,” I say firmly. “She isn’t pregnant.”

“Good. Don’t want to be worrying about that again.”

As he walks off I screw my nose up in disgust. Aren’t there laws protecting pregnant women? I’m sure there are ways that people are supposed to behave, but that seems to have escaped the notice of CeeLow. Urgh, I need to get out of here.

I turn on my heels and stalk into the bathroom to grab a moment alone before I have to start this shift. I don’t want to do it, I want to walk out now and call the temp agency to have them get me some more work instead, but the image of the massive bundles of cash keeps filling my mind and it drags me forward even if I’m resistant. Now more than ever I need some money, nothing else will keep me going.

Once inside I lock myself in a cubicle and I put my head between my legs to keep my breathing steady. I don’t like this lack of control, it’s terrifying. The fact that my fate lies in the hands of someone else, and I won’t discover the truth until after Jenny, is scary. I don’t know how I’m supposed to keep my head on my shoulders tonight.

Right, it’s time, I finally decide with a glance at my watch. Time to get to it. Just get through this shift and then worry about everything else later...

I push myself off the toilet and I make my way through the doors. Luckily because I’m so different I blend into the background so no one turns to look at me. That gives me a moment to pull myself together which is good because the first clients are through the door in a second. People seem to be really keen about this place, there’s something very attractive to the rich.

“Come on, Summer,” the same girl from before calls out to me. “Time to get to it.”

At first I sort of hang around on the outskirts, just trying to keep myself looking busy. I don’t want to dive in until I find the right customer because I don’t want to end up in the same position that I did last night. And by right customer I of course mean Ben... not that I would ever admit that out loud.

“Miss?” someone eventually comes to me. “Can I get a round in?”

I nod and take the order, my eyes scanning over the bar the entire time. I can barely focus, it’s really hard to keep any concentration on anyone when I’m waiting for someone who might or might not come in. I take note of the drinks but I already know that I’m not going to stick to this table tonight, not unless I’m forced to.

“Right, I’ll grab those drinks for you and I’ll be back in a moment.”

As I walk I think it’s kind of pointless to have the shot belts on. I hardly sell any drinks from it, I spend most of my night heading back and forth to the bar. I’m pretty much a waitress in revealing clothing. That’s the role I have here.


I almost role my eyes as someone else tries to grab me. I turn on my heels and try to plaster a fake smile on my face but that soon turns into a genuine one when I realise that thankfully something has gone right. As shitty as this day has been so far, it’s about to get a whole lot better.

“What do you mean, Miss?” I push him playfully. “It’s good to see you again, Ben.”

The fizzling sensation sparks at my lips as the memory floods my mind. His mouth against mine, the wonderful kiss, the feel of his hands against my hips...

“It’s good to see you, too. I hope you don’t mind me turning up again.” He looks a little awkward, as if he isn’t sure which is adorable.

“Not at all. I’m glad to have you here again. Let me just sort this guy out then I’ll be at your table, and at your service.”

Thank God.

Chapter Nine – Ben

I take a seat at a table in the corner of the room, not even bothering with the veranda today. I’m not here for business or networking, I’m simply here not to be interrupted so I can spend the shift with only Serena. I know I’m going to have to spend a lot of money so the manager of the club doesn’t get pissy about her spending a lot of time with only me, but I don’t mind that.