Page 213 of Saving Her

“Sure. Someone will be with you in just a moment.”

I hang up the phone and take a few deep breaths. My eyes flicker upwards where I can see a few stars trying to make their way through the cracks. I’m sure in the countryside, maybe even in the small town where Serena grew up, there are endless stars in the sky. It probably looks beautiful, but it isn’t like that in the city. You have to sacrifice the stars to make it far in life. I wonder if Serena is happy with her decision...

I don’t know how she ended up as a shot girl, I don’t know why her friend suggested that job for her since it seems very awkward for her, but I’m glad that she did. Maybe that was meant to happen so we could meet one another, not that I’ve ever been one to believe in fate before. I don’t think that’s where she belongs though, I’m sure that there’s much more to her than that. Maybe that’s what I’ll try and find out tonight, what she wants from her life.

That’s not too heavy for a second date is it?

Is this a second date? Not really, but we did kiss and leave it there last night, so maybe. God, I am way out of my league here. This is unchartered territory for me, I honestly don’t know what I’m doing. I just really hope I don’t mess everything up.

As the car arrives, my heart is in my throat. I plaster a big smile across my face to hide that. I don’t want anyone to know how freaked out I am by all of this.

“Hey, Ben. Good to see you again. I have your favourite whiskey stocked in the back.”

I breathe out a sigh of relief. Whiskey sounds damn good right now. That’s what I need to get me through this. With a bit of Dutch courage, I’ll be just fine. “You have no idea what that means to me, honestly you’re such a legend. I don’t know what I’d do without you.”

Chapter Eight – Serena

Do I maybe feel a little more comfortable in my work attire today? As I twist my body from side to side I realise that maybe I don’t feel quite as self conscious as I did the last time I put this on. I don’t know if Ben is going to be there at the club tonight, but the thought that he might be is enough to have my whole body on fire, and why wouldn’t it after that kiss? My God that was irresistible. Even the memory of it now sends a shiver tearing up and down my spine. It was phenomenal, the way that his lips moved against mine had my heart absolutely racing at a million miles an hour. To be honest, it was enough to have me almost inviting him inside.

I think I’m glad that I didn’t though, because it still gives me that anticipation, the excitement for what might be to come. I’m not embarrassed, wondering if I was just a one night stand, I’m interested to see him again. I can’t wait to see where this whole thing might leave.

Oh my God, I can just feel it, that trickle racing through my veins. This is definitely it, this is what I’ve always been waiting for. I knew I had a better life waiting round the corner for me. It’s nice to be proven right.

“Oh my God!” Jenny’s screech from the living room drags my attention away from the mirror. I don’t know if she sounds excited or terrified. Either way I race into the room to see her standing there as white as a sheet. As soon as she spots me, her eyes light up. “Serena, oh my goodness, you will not believe it. You will not believe what’s just happened to me.”

“What? What happened? My heart is thumping in my chest, my head spins, I don’t know how I’m feeling anymore. “Jenny, please tell me.”

“Okay, so you remember how I applied for that cruise ship job to be a dancer?” I nod even though I know for sure that she definitely didn’t tell me that. I’ve been assuming that she’s happy being a shot girl, maybe I was wrong. “Well they’ve just called me in for this audition slash interview type thing tomorrow morning. Isn’t that amazing?”

I feel like all the breath has been zapped from my body, my lungs squeeze so tight it leaves my brain foggy and spinning. Is she serious? She might be taking another job? She’s dragged me into this club scene just before she’s about to leave me? Maybe she didn’t know it would turn out this way, but a heads up would have been nice.

“Wow, that’s something else,” I rasp while clutching onto my chest. “What does that mean? What will happen?”

“Well...” Jenny takes a seat and she gives me a thoughtful look. I can tell by her expression that she hasn’t really thought about the practical element of this at all. “I guess I’ll be spending most of the year on the ship if I get the job. Ten months out of the year I guess. I’m sure that’s what it said on the application anyway. I suppose I might as well spend the time I’m not on the ship at my parents...”

That’s what I feared. She means she’ll be moving out of the apartment if she gets the job. There’s no way I’ll be able to afford this place on my own, even with the new job. The idea of applying for new roommates makes me feel sick to my stomach... not that it’s about me at the moment.

“Oh well, sure. No point in paying rent on a place you aren’t living in.” I plaster the biggest smile on my face that I can manage. “That’s awesome, I really hope that you get it.”

“You do?” Jenny gives me a bit of a regretful look which makes me feel awesome. This is clearly something that she desperately wants. The last thing I want to do is take it away from her.

“Of course I do.” I grab her hands and give her a grin. “You deserve this, you really do. I hope you get it.”

“It does mean that I can’t come into work tonight though. I can’t be out until four in the morning and then up for a nine AM interview.”

“Oh yeah, of course. Did you want me to tell the boss?”

“No, no, I’ll ring in. It just means you’ll have to go there alone.”

Oh God. I don’t know if I’m prepared for this. Jumping in the deep end without a net to catch me, that isn’t a good feeling at all. I mean, I suppose it isn’t that bad since I’ve already done one shift, but the idea still scares the living hell out of me. Still, I have to support Jenny, I have to be a good friend. Even if her plan leaves me in the shit, I still want to be there for me.

“I don’t mind that, I can go there by myself, it’s only a short walk.”

Jenny pulls me in for a hug. “You’re a great friend, I really do appreciate you.”

The sense that everything is changing in a terrifying way overwhelms me and I can feel tears stinging my eyes. All the excitement that was inside me only moments ago when I thought about Ben is long gone, now I’m just scared. I feel like the anchor has been yanked out from underneath me and I’m about to float around aimlessly.

“Right.” I pull back and pat her on the arms, trying to hide my almost tears. “You go and get some rest, get yourself ready for the big day tomorrow. I have work to do.”