Page 252 of Playboy Billionaire

Lust: A Womanizer Series


Gillian West had been burned too many times by men to get caught up in any kind of romance that goes nowhere. Her life consists of selling high-end cars to those discerning men that have what she calls a midlife crisis. She is approached by three women that have an instant dislike for Marshall Peters. They explain how her reputation has gotten around as being the only woman willing to do what it takes to shame men. This is different. This man is not married and has no significant other. The man in question is a rich philanderer with no ring on his finger and only a good time in his heart. They convince her that he needs to be humiliated and knocked down a few pegs from his masochistic ways. At first, she thinks it’s going to be a cakewalk, but upon meeting Marshall she begins to doubt herself. He’s handsome, charming and if she’s not careful she might be his next hit and run victim with her panties on his floor. How can she remain professional and look into his brilliant blue eyes?

I could feel the rain bouncing off the camouflaged slicker that I was wearing. I could smell the flowers. It was that distinct aroma that always caused my allergies to act up. It was a good thing that I had taken some medication. The feeling of the mud sticking against my boots was a good reminder that what I was doing was not what most people would want to be doing at this time of night.

I didn’t even know how I got started doing this as a hobby. I did get a bit of a rush finding that unique shot that was going to be worth more than 1000 words. The damn fool had his curtain open and pressing up against the glass was this buxom blonde with breasts that defied gravity. I felt a little awkward seeing those melons and knowing that I didn’t hold a candle.

I waited for the precise time when the man’s head would appear over her shoulder biting her ear lobe and nipping at her neck. I took the shot, zooming in and getting the best possible angle to prove his shame and cheating ways.

It was obvious that the man was having a midlife crisis. His hair was thinning and he was blatantly trying to cover it up with a comb over. The only reason why this was brought to my attention in the first place was because the man’s wife started to see the signs that he was stepping out on her.

I saw her standing and looking at one of the expensive vehicles. It had my radar on high alert. I knew that she wasn’t there to buy a car and that my reputation for those things that I did in the dead of night had gotten around by word of mouth.

I pressed the button on my phone which was attached to a blue tooth in my ear. On the first ring, she was quite anxious to learn the truth. They always think that they are ready to hear it, but they’re never truly prepared for the evidence to be so damning.

“I know that you wouldn’t have called unless you had something to report. Miss West, I don’t know how you can do this work and feel good about yourself. I’m not one to cast stones and my marriage hasn’t been exactly beer and skittles. I like to think that I satisfy my man, but it has become painfully clear that he needs something that I can’t give him. I want to know if I have grounds for a divorce or if I can win him back by some insane and naughty act. I can hopefully make him see that what he has at home is better than he can get anyplace else.” Mrs. Sanders had me feeling a little bit guilty about my role in how their marriage was going to dissolve.

“If you must know, I’m just trying to be impartial and give women a fighting chance. We all have our suspicions and sometimes they pan out and sometimes they don’t. Guys are guilty of lying through their teeth and telling us what we need to hear with sweet nothings in our ear. I’m sending you some photos and I do believe that they will capture his likeness perfectly.” I had my e

ye on the prize. The money that Mrs. Sanders was paying was through the nose. I didn’t do this for the money. It was my way to get back at those that had burned me in the past.

I heard the gasp on the other end of the phone and I knew that the photos told the story. There was silence and it was that awkward moment that made me wonder if she was going to start screaming or crying. I could never stand to hear a woman crying. It was primarily the reason why I went into the sales of high-end vehicles for discerning men that really were trying to make up for some kind of shortcoming.

I was not opposed to using my sexuality and the curves that I was born with to my advantage. I liked to think that I was doing women a favor by selling them these cars. It was either that or they would slip the hard one to those girls that might give them the attention that they were looking for.

“You’ve done your job. I thought that it was going to be a stranger, but learning that it’s my sister puts things into perspective. I should have known something was going on between them, but I didn’t think that my own sister would stoop that low to sleep with my husband behind my back.” It didn’t appear that this had anything to do with a certain sexual act. The photos depicted both of them relieving that tension with a little more than lip service.

“You’ve already paid half the price and I will happily accept the rest whenever you get the chance to deposit it into my account. I’m sorry that you had to learn about your husband and your sister’s duplicitous ways. It’s better that you know and you can’t allow them to think that they are getting one over on you.” I was trying to be devil’s advocate and I didn’t want her to do anything that was going to cause more harm than good.

“It’s funny, but I’m not really all that angry. I kinda find it a little bit exciting but also galling at the same time. I always thought that it would be quite something to involve my sister in a threesome. Perhaps this is the way to get them to realize that three doesn’t necessarily have to be a crowd. I get the feeling that they are only doing it because it’s considered taboo. I think that you may have noticed that she’s my twin sister. She doesn’t have anybody and she just lost her husband a month ago to an unforeseen car accident.” I had no idea why she was telling me any of this and this was certainly not any of my business.

“I’m only paid to get the evidence and what you do with it after that is your concern. I don’t judge and I’m certainly not any kind of saint. I thought that monogamy was the right way to go, but it always seems to be too much for a man to commit to. I don’t mind telling you that I get my thrills out of finding some young piece of ass and giving him a few lessons in how to treat a woman right. I like to get them when they are young barely out of their teens when I can mold them and give them an experience that they will never forget.” I found myself reliving past transgressions and smiling at the way that I would leave them a husk of their former self.

“Miss West, I took the liberty of speaking to some of my girlfriends about you and I believe that you will be getting some more business. Your work is exemplary. I may not like what I have learned, but at least, I can sleep better knowing the truth. I thought that I would want to kill him, but since it is my sister, it seems fitting to confront them. I’ll send your final payment by morning and that is something that you can take to the bank literally and figuratively.” The line went dead and I packed up what I had but not before I took a few final shots of him spilling his excitement all over her pendulum breasts.

I was a voyeur and seeing behind closed doors what people did was my Christmas. I had learned many different techniques and positions by being the fly on the wall. I was that blonde creature of the night that stood at 5’9, 130lbs and I had long silky blond hair that was out of a bottle. The drapes certainly didn’t match the rug, although you wouldn’t know that when you got me naked and saw the way that I shaved completely bare.

I thought about my ex-boyfriend Henry and how I had found him cavorting with the dog walker. I might’ve been able to get over it, but the dog walker in question was a Latino man. I didn’t even know that he had those tendencies. They were living together. I was still friendly with the both of them and even showed up for Sunday dinner from time to time.

The money that I made from selling Ferraris and Corvettes not to mention a few Lamborghinis had afforded me quite a substantial paycheck. What I was getting from this unusual pastime was not only extra pocket money but a jolt that had me wanting to seek out the next available man. I had taken a break from being with a man. I thought about dabbling with the opposite sex, but that was only for an experimental moment in college that I liked to remember fondly.

I barely closed the door on my silver Jaguar when I was blasted by a text message. It requested that I be available to speak to three women that were going to show up at my work. I didn’t know what this was about, but I got this funny inkling that Mrs. Sanders was not exactly shy about my prowess with a camera.

“Gillian, you are the best saleswoman that I have ever had and I don’t know what I would do without you. You know exactly what a man wants and I think it goes without saying that the rest of you can learn something from her. I want everybody to look at the leader board and know that none of you have a chance of beating her.” My boss was a sleazy man that had a different woman on his arm every week. There was nothing that was wrong with that and it wasn’t like he was cheating on his wife.

It was distasteful and I’m sure that the girls felt used and abused like an old Kleenex. That was not my business and the blog that I wrote about cheating and the anonymous photos that went along with shaming those men was where I excelled.

“It’s really not that hard to figure out what a man wants. They feel neglected and they want something that will reaffirm their manhood.” I was wearing a little black dress that barely covered my red panties. They were the thong type and wedged into the crack of my ass. They were perfect for bending over and making men almost whimper like a little girl.

“I really don’t need to know your secrets. Just as long as you keep bringing in this kind of money, there’s always going to be a job here for you.” The meeting adjourned and I could see that some of the men were a little displeased that I was usurping their authority. I was good at emasculating them and also playing with them like a puppy on a leash.

I went to my office and sitting in the three chairs in front of my desk were three distinctively different women. Two of them didn’t look like socialites or the kind of women that spent their time with women gossiping about the latest fashion trend. The one on the end seemed more that type.

I sat down. I looked at each one and I knew that they were all here for the same thing. They looked at each other and I got the feeling like they were trying to figure out who was going to be the spokesperson.

It turned out that the old one with a bit more experience underneath her belt had decided to take the bullet for the rest of them. She took a folder out of her black bag and she placed it on my desk. I opened it and saw pictures of a man that was athletic, quite put together and had these very discerning dimples that were hard to ignore. He was dressed impeccably in each and every photo and it was as if he was trying to put his best foot forward.