Page 253 of Playboy Billionaire

I took a sip of my steaming hot coffee, black and extra strong to keep me alert and ready for just about anything.

“Marshall Peters is a piece of work and all of us have been in his bed. He doesn’t believe in commitment; he barely registers our name and yet we find ourselves splayed across his king size bed with our legs in the air. I don’t mind telling you that the sex was phenomenal. The way that he could play my body like a musical instrument was a testament to his manhood. He’s above average, knows that he’s god’s gift to women and has no problem finding somebody to spend their time in his bed.” This sounded like they were disgruntled and I wasn’t sure that this was my place.

The black-haired one, a little younger and more impressionable decided to chime in. “I thought that he was the man of my dreams. He was p

erfect on paper and then things changed. I can’t deny that the sex was something indescribable. The way that he could move had me at a loss for words too many times to count. One weekend and I thought that he was going to propose. I know how naive that sounds, but I felt that certain something in the air.” This girl made me almost burst out laughing.

“Tina doesn’t know any better, but what does that say for me. I’ve been around the block and I know the score better than anybody. I never thought anything about it when we went to his hotel room. It was supposed to be just physical, but he somehow managed to make me care for him. I think he gets more out of making us fall in love with him than he does actually from conquering us in the bedroom.” I found out that these three women had learned about each other through the very same dating site that they met Marshall.

Lillian, Julia, and Tina had all come together and shared stories that were remarkably similar. I still didn’t know where I came in or how I was going to help in any way. He was not cheating; he was not married and he did not have a girlfriend that was pining for him during late night encounters that he claimed that he was working at the office.

Tina was the youngest and I could see how easily she could get caught up in the romance. Lillian was the oldest and I would’ve thought that she would have known better, but maybe being jaded had made her the perfect target for this man.

“I’m sorry, but I might be blind, but I don’t see how I can help you. You must know that I only shame married man and those that consider themselves to be committed to the one that they are with. This is a little out of my wheelhouse. I am curious to understand the reason why you would come to me in the first place. What exactly do you think that I can do?” I wanted to know the answer and they were all sharing knowing glances that had me a little uncomfortable.

“I would think that it was obvious. We want you to make him fall in love with you and then give him a dose of his own medicine. Humiliate him in public and have it recorded for posterity so that we can use it against him when he tries to go hunting for suitable prey. We’ve decided that we don’t want something like this to happen to another woman. I’m married and I’ve never cheated until he gave me that come-hither stare and had my panties lying on his floor within hours of meeting him.” Lillian was the one that was twirling her wedding ring and looking at the floor.

“This is not what I usually do, but this man does sound like he needs to be taught a lesson. I can’t promise anything, but I think that I can use what god gave me to turn his head.” The yellow walls were a calming influence on those that sat here contemplating writing a very substantial check for something that they really didn’t need.

“I’m glad to hear you say that. We were afraid that you might think that we were angry and bitter. We are both of those things, but we still think that women should know what he’s about. I was the one that actually contacted Tina and told her that he was not what he appeared to be. She didn’t believe me and had some disparaging words that I won’t repeat. It was only after she was kicked to the curb that she finally saw the writing on the wall.” The three women were not the only ones that had felt the feeling of him pinning them to the mattress and letting their passions collide over and over again. Lillian seemed to be the ringleader of the lynch mob mentality.

“There is a matter of my payment. I don’t mean to be blunt, but I do insist on half up front. You wouldn’t be here unless you knew how much I charged. Take that amount and double that. This is not just a matter of finding him in a compromising position. This is going to take some work. Give me a month and if I can’t do what you want me to, then I will gladly refund your money. If you’re afraid that I’m going to fall into his trap, then you have nothing to worry about. I’ve been burned and I know that men like this are out there preying on the innocence.” I stood and gave them all a handshake and then escorted them from my office with two of the other salesman watching intently.

I had to learn everything that I could about Marshall Peters. I had to find out his habits and those things that he did in his pastime that didn’t involve high heels over his shoulders. He made other men look pale in comparison. This was a guy that could have any woman with an indifferent smile or a cocksure wink. He would have them melting in the very spot.

The door opened and Jason one of our newest salesmen was now motioning with his head towards a certain someone that had his eye on a black corvette. I had slept with the young upstart and cultivated a lucrative arrangement “If you promise to cut me in on the commission, I will gladly turn this one over to you. I only ask for 20% of the cut. I could make the sale myself, but I think that you can seal this deal quicker than I can.” Jason was one of the few that knew his limitations and was willing to stand aside. He really didn’t want to work and he counted on me wanting to put my obvious sexual charisma into action.

I took one last look at Marshall Peters. He had no idea that he was about to come up against something that he could never imagine. He didn’t appear to have a type unless you counted that he was not into those that were considerably heavier than most. I was happy with my curves and I knew how to use that extra weight to my advantage. My breasts were more than a mouthful and they were the natural kind without the necessity for augmentation.

I sauntered towards this man in a Brooks Brothers suit and I knew from just looking at him that he was fighting that 40-year bitch…I mean itch. I was almost 30, feeling like my life had only just started and I think that I was the female counterpart of Marshall. I really didn’t care if the young men had somebody special. I would take what I wanted and leave them with a smile and a memory that they could replay in their old age.

“That is a real beauty and it has a lot underneath the hood. I could open it up and show you what kind of horses is waiting for you to hit the open road with. Jason informs me that you are looking to add something to your collection. I have to say that you have a good eye for detail.” His back was towards me. He turned slowly and I couldn’t believe my eyes. The very photo that was in my office was now standing in front of me.

“I didn’t come here to buy a car. I followed Lillian, Tina, and the other one. I knew that they were up to something. I have to ask myself the reason why they would come here of all places. I don’t see either one of them wanting to buy any of these cars, so there has to be another reason why they would come here and go into your office for 20-minutes.” This was the first time that somebody had caught me in the act and I wasn’t sure how to deal with that. I had to think quickly.

“If you must know, they came here to warn me about you. I don’t even know how they found out that I was about to contact you on the dating site. I don’t think that they should have bothered and I can make up my own mind. I will say that they weren’t very kind in the way that they described you.” I was caught with my pants down, but I was able to adapt and come up with a way to turn the tables in my favor.

“I don’t know why they continue to do this. I’m not what they say I am. I like women and maybe I haven’t found the right one. I’m still searching for those butterflies in my stomach. I want that moment where I see somebody across a crowded room and know that she’s the one. I’m not that lucky in love.” He was making himself out to be the victim and I knew the truth like the nose on my face.

“I have to admit that you’re nothing like they described. I find your vulnerability and your willingness to admit your faults to be refreshing. The way that they made you out to be was like some philandering cad that only cared for his own pleasure. I do find it a little upsetting that you would feel the need to meet me like this. Tell me, why would I give you the time of day after you barge in here and give the impression that you are some sort of stalker?” I waited for an answer with my hands on the hood of the car, bending over slightly to give him a brief glimpse of the way that I had worked my body into the specimen that it was today.

The showroom was immaculate and the cars were centered on pedestals that moved with the switch that I had in my hand. I touched on that switch and I moved the vehicle so that my ass was practically up against his prominent region. I could feel it stretching and nestled in between my cheeks. I knew that the one thing that they had right was the size of his endowment.

“I’m fed up with their drama. They follow me everywhere and I am this close to getting a restraining order. I’m not doing anything wrong. I just need to feel something other than a physical connection. I want to believe in love at first sight with the violins playing in the background, but I’ve never witnessed it. I have to get to know the woman and find out if we are compatible in the bedroom. To me, chemistry is very important and a relationship doesn’t work unless the sex can bring a smile to both partner’s face.” He was shoveling it on pretty thick and had I not known what he was about, I might have felt a pang of something for him.

“I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. Take me to dinner tonight and we’ll get to the truth one way or the other.” I was daring him to cross that line in the sand. He not only agreed to the date, but he also bought the car that I was bending over obscenely. I was quite the focus for those guys that were watching from their offices.

I was dressed in a sheer white flowing form fitting dress that had a slit up the side to show off my long and lean legs. They were muscular and formed into the kind that would look good in anything. I wanted to make a good first impression and the restaurant that I had chosen for this occasion was owned by my Uncle Antonio.

I arrived early and had him show me to a table in the back. “Please don’t tell me that this is another one of those young kids that don’t know any better. I see the way that they look at you. You can’t tell me that you don’t know that you’re a cougar. You may not be the age of one, but you certainly act the part. I can’t even look at your father and not think ab

out the way that you flaunt your body.” Antonio was my only uncle and the one that I had a bit of a crush on when I was growing up.

“Don’t be jealous, Uncle Antonio. I like to spread the wealth, but don’t worry there’s always protection. I don’t do anything unless there’s a glove involved.” I could see that he was embarrassed and the flush in his cheeks made me slap his shoulder in a jovial nature.

“One of these days, you are going to bite off more than you can chew. There’s a man out there that is going to be your final undoing. I just hope that I’m alive when it happens. Do you want to tell me the name of your intended party, so that I can be a good host and bring him to your table upon arrival?” I told him his first name, leaving out the last, in case there was recognition in his eyes.

I was half Italian and I wore that heritage with pride. I even went into the kitchen from time to time with Antonio and let him teach me a few things about cooking. The way to a man’s heart was through his stomach. I had the statuesque figure and a body that just wouldn’t quit. That had the makings of an unstoppable combination.