Page 225 of Playboy Billionaire

They ate in silence, and then waited in silence for her father. Ivy only tried to enjoy the few hours that she had with him, in his company. She was grateful that even without explanation, he was willing to give up his work for the day and pass the waiting time with her. It was his own private way of demonstrating to her, that he would miss having her around.

They both heard the honk of Ivy’s father’s jeep in the distance, together. She leaped out of her chair, and hurried to her room to collect her bags.

Leon followed her, and picked up both the bags himself.

“I’ll show you out of course.” He said as they made their way towards the front door of the house.

Ivy followed him silently a little of the way, and then she stopped.

“Leon, you don’t need to do this.” She said, unable to control herself any longer. He was only punishing himself, and punishing her in the process too.

She watched as he straightened his shoulders and clenched his jaws.

“Your father is waiting, Ivy.” He said, in all seriousness. Refusing to respond to what she had just said.

She was fighting the tears, as he carried the bags out of the house, she was following him slowly, keeping her distance.

It was eleven now, and hotter than it was the day she had first arrived at The Old Marigold Ranch. The place she had slowly started to fall in love with. Heck, she’d even miss Mocha. She’d miss the sound of horses in the ranch, the sound of their hooves as Leon rode them behind the mansion, the sound of the ceiling fan in her bedroom, the scent of his cologne as he walked around the house, the full pantry, the silences they had shared within these walls. As harsh as he had been to her, he had also been kind in his own way. He had been respectful; he had made her feel important and beautiful. And now, by denying her the employment, he was punishing them both.

She could see her father’s happy smiling face in his jeep, with his one arm hanging out of the window. He was happy to see his daughter, and waved.

Neither Leon nor Ivy waved back at him. How was he supposed to know what had happened in these past few days, the myriad of emotions they had both felt, the real reason why she was leaving the ranch?

“Changed your mind then, Mr. Cooper?” Her father’s voice rang through the air, as they approached his jeep. Leon was walking ahead of her, carrying the two heavy bags and making them look like they were as light as feathers.

“Sure did. I didn’t have enough work to give her, and I didn’t want to waste her time.” Leon said.

Ivy felt the same emotions again, as she had felt when he had first walked into the pub. She couldn’t see his face, but she wanted him desperately to turn around and look at her. She wanted to see his jaws move, the strength in his cheekbones, how his neck looked strong and masculine.

Her father gave a chuckle and then shook his head.

“I hope she’s been no trouble to you.” Her father said, looking from her to Leon, and then back at Ivy again.

She held her breath, anxious to hear what Leon might have to say.

“No trouble at all. It’s been a pleasure having her.” He said and they finally came to a stop, still several feet away from the jeep.

Leon dropped the bags to the dusty ground, and Ivy turned to him. She knew he could see the fat tears at the corners of her eyes, and she didn’t care anymore what her father could see nor what he thought was going on between them.

“Leon!” She cried and lunged at him. She was surprised to find that he had his arms wide open to receive her and she fell into them, her face pressing against his chest as he held her close.

“Ivy?” She heard her father’s voice in the background but she didn’t pay any heed to it.

“Leon, you are being too harsh. I wish you could see that I’m not Vivian. That I want you, I actually want you.” She cried, looking up at his face. He towered over her, shielding the glare of the sun with his head and shaggy blonde hair.

His eyes were narrowed, sparkling, studying her own large green eyes. Then she felt his thick rough thumbs on her cheeks, wiping the tears away.

“I know you’re not her. But I don’t want you to regret this, Ivy.” He said, softly.

“Mr. Cooper? Ivy?” Her father was still calling out to them.

“It’s just a job. Can I not leave whenever I want? What would you do without me?” Ivy asked, still crying. He was still brushing the tears away from her cheeks.

Then, after several seconds of silence, he shook his head.

“I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m being foolish.” He said and pulled her to him in a tighter embrace.

“There’s been a mistake, Mr. Hart. I’m sorry for making you come here all this way, but Ivy will be staying with me for a little while longer. I’ve found a few new tasks for her.” He called out to her father.