Page 224 of Playboy Billionaire

She didn’t know what to do but remain standing where she was, looking after him. The front door opened and closed and she knew he was gone, out of the house and to his horses. She needed to give him his space, the time he needed to recover. But it was approaching night again, and the next morning her father would be there.

She wanted to talk to Leon some more. Explain to him that Vivian had purposely manipulated the family, that he had to forget about her and move on. But how could she when all he did was push her away?

Ivy didn’t see Leon till the next morning again. She was giving him the space she thought he needed.

But she was awake at the crack of dawn the next morning, showered and packed and ready to go. She had finally replied to her father’s text messages to tell him that she was expecting him. He had told her that he would arrive by mid-day to pick her up.

She could hear Leon walking around the house, and when she stepped out she found him in the kitchen again. He hadn’t changed, or showered and wasn’t looking fresh like he did the previous day. He had clearly had a rough night.

But he couldn’t stop himself from looking at her. At the polka dotted vintage style yellow dress she was wearing. He had noticed the yellow ribbon she had tied to the top of her head; his eyes had glittered when he took in the sight of the golden tight ringlets adorning her head like a crown.

Ivy had taken care to present herself well. She wanted him to remember her like this, to remember her the way she did when she looked her best.

“Good morning, Ivy. I hope you slept well.” She heard him say.

She could smell eggs being fried, and melting buttered toast. She realized she hadn’t eaten in a long time and her stomach was rumbling.

“Good morning, Leon.” She said, walking into the kitchen.

“Take a seat. I’ve made us breakfast. I wanted to give you a good send off.” He said, looking tired and ill rested.

Ivy took one of the chairs at the dining table and waited for him to join her. The sun was just rising and it filled the kitchen with a golden orange hue, in which Leon’s dark brown eyes shone, and caught the brilliance of his sandy blonde hair. She could still feel the texture of his hair on her fingertips, when she had run her hands through them, when he was kissing her neck.

She felt her belly twitch, and she couldn’t be certain if it was because she was hungry, or because of how handsome he looked.

Leon placed a plate of fried eggs,

toast and sausages in front of her, and did the same for himself. When he settled into a chair in front of her, he cleared his throat, finally meeting her eyes.

“I wanted to apologize for my behavior last evening. I know you were just trying to be friendly.” He said.

Ivy stared at the food in front of her, suddenly she wasn’t hungry any more. The realization had struck her like a rock slapping her on her face, she was going to leave this place soon. She was going to miss him. She was going to miss her need for him.

“It was my fault for pushing you. I shouldn’t have forced you to talk about something that hurts you so much.” Ivy said, without looking up at him. She didn’t want his emotions to spiral out of control again, not so soon before she was about to leave.

“No, it wasn’t your fault. I need to learn to be able to put things in the past. But now you can see why I can’t have you here, in my house.” He said.

Ivy could sense his eyes on her, she knew he was studying her face, but she refused to look up at him. There were so many undercurrents of emotions in the room, she was afraid of cracking and spilling everything out.

She only nodded her head.

“I can’t have another woman in my life right now. I left Minnesota, the home I grew up in…to get away from Vivian. And as much as I’m attracted to you, as much as I want you, I can’t let you in.” He continued.

Ivy nodded her head again. She understood what he was saying, even if she didn’t agree with him, she understood.

“But not every woman is like her, you know.” She blurted out before she could stop herself. She looked up at him, just as he took a bite of his toast. His eyes looked wild, like he hadn’t had any sleep for several days. His heart was at war with his brain, and she wished she could make him see how good they were for each other.

When he didn’t respond, she continued.

“I am not Vivian. I don’t want your money. I slept with you, because I wanted you, not all this.”

Ivy looked around her to indicate the house, and Leon watched her movements with steady dark and narrowed eyes.

“I know, but I can’t just take your word for it.” He said harshly. Ivy opened her mouth to speak, but he raised a palm to stop her.

“I know what you’re about to say. But, Ivy you are very young. You have a good opportunity to begin a career. I can’t allow you to stay here, live with me and ruin your life. As a test.” He said, in a louder stricter voice. It was as though he was trying to convince himself, just as much as he was trying to convince her.

Ivy shut her mouth close again, and started eating her breakfast. She knew she had no chance to explain her point of view. Leon Cooper was not the kind of man who would sit down and listen to what she had to say. He had made up his mind and there was no way that she could change it.