Page 61 of Inseparable

“You’re not lost, Telula. I’m here.”

“My friends call me Tilly.”

“Tilly.” He whispered into my neck making my whole body shiver with a delicious delight that heated up my thighs and made my heart pound so hard I felt it in my ears. “Stay with me. Just a little longer.”

It was easy to say yes. But what was I really saying yes to?

"Maybe we should go back upstairs." I pulled back. My eyes started to sting a little at the thought of returning to all that noise and mess tore at me. "If I were you I'd be terrified at what I might find up there." I thought of Sandy's threats to cause just enough damage to feel she'd have her revenge.

"I don't want to go back." Lucas's voice sounded tight. Like a kid resisting his parent's orders to go to bed. "It's just the same thing that always happens. A couple of statues will get broken. A couple of people will have puked here or there. There will be spilled beer and food and hundreds of empty cups and plates and shit all over the place. None of them will ever do anything differently."

“So why did you tell them to come over?” I prodded.

“Because they are my friends.”

“All of them?”

His eyes looked to the left.

“And because when my dad’s girlfriend comes home she’ll have a hissy fit. You should see her when she gets angry. It’s hilarious. She always threatens to throw me out of the house if any of her stuff is missing. That’s why I always lock my dad’s bedroom door. See what I mean?”

“Not really.” I shook my head sadly.

“She’s got a plan in her head but I always beat her at it. As long as none of her jewelry, none of her clothes, none of her stuff is ruined she really doesn’t care. My dad will replace everything else.” Lucas smiled grimly.

“Why don’t you leave?” I asked innocently. “Tell Jenna and your dad you’ve had it and you don’t need them. Start your life on your own terms.”

“Maybe I will.” He replied. But I could tell he wasn’t serious. I couldn’t say I blamed him totally. A million dollar home with maids and chefs and everything you’d ever need was a pretty hard habit to quit.

“Well, I do appreciate your showing me around.” I tugged at the hem of my skirt again.

“You’re not leaving, are you?”

“Yeah. I better go.” I better go before I do something I’ll regret. How could I have kissed Lucas Prine? What was I thinking? This was going to be plastered all over tomorrow’s Riverbank High School Gossip Chain and everyone will be thinking the same thing. That I’m just after his money. I can just hear it now. Little Orphan Tilly Thinks She can Land Herself the Neighborhood Daddy Warbu


“Don’t go, Tilly.” Lucas purred. When he leaned in to kiss me I didn’t move forward. My head was screaming for me to be careful, to remember what kind of guy he was. But before I could stop myself my hands were pressed against his chest and I was fumbling with the buttons of his shirt.

Chapter 7 - Sandy


"Sandy, I think that girl is trying to get your attention." Sean jerked his chin up and looked at me. I turned around and saw a very drunk, very upset Monica Smith staring down at me.

It wasn't the first time I had issues with Monica and as usual, she had her entourage with her just in case she. There was Casey Reed, Shelly Pinkowski, and Tara McCoy. These three traveled in a pack all the time. In four years Monica never said a kind word about me. She rarely said anything to my face but word gets around in a high school. Her minions make sure of it. So I heard that she didn't like me because I was friends with Tilly and both of us came from a whole lot of nothing.

"This is really inconvenient, Monica, because as much as I hate to admit it, I am having a really nice time."

“What did you say?” She slurred.

“What is it that you want, honey?” I looked at Sean who was watching the rest of the group to make sure there wasn’t going to be some kind of ambush. He might not have been the biggest dog in the park but I’ll swear he was the most faithful.

“You know Telula Grant, right?”

I looked down at Sean then back up at Monica.

“Yes. I know her. You know that.”