Page 60 of Inseparable

“Do what?”

“Was he godfather?”

“I have no idea. Probably. It’s good for business, right?”

I shrugged and took one more sip then handed Lucas back his flask. I scooted closer to him and watched his eyes as he spoke.

"I'll inherit all this someday. When that day comes Jenna will be out on her ass. I swear she will."

With just the mention of his father's girlfriend, I saw Lucas transform. He became that jerk I saw so often in school.

“Is she like the girls you know? The girls who will do whatever you want because they know you have money?”

“Jenna is a professional gold-digger. She caught my father hook-line-and-sinker. My mother wasn’t even dead for a whole year before she was sniffing around.”

“I’m sorry.” I put my hand on Lucas’s knee. Suddenly I felt very sad for him. If I’d lost my mother I would probably be a jerk, too. “When did she die?”

“Right before my freshman year. She had ovarian cancer.”

"You barely have time to say goodbye when a woman gets diagnosed with that," I mumbled. My mom had a friend who died the same way. She had been diagnosed and within three months she was gone. "I'm so sorry, Lucas. That's messed up."

Lucas looked at me. His eyes reddened but just as quickly as they did they focused hard on my face. I watched his Adam’s apple bounce as he swallowed hard. My mind swirled and I leaned in to kiss him. I didn’t want it to be his idea. I knew what I was doing as I pressed my lips gently against his. They were velvety soft and I waited for him to pull back quickly, sorry or embarrassed, but he didn’t. He kissed me back.

I moved my hand to his and held it tightly. When I inhaled I could smell his cologne that was some exotic spicy thing that was like a mixture of cloves and honey. It certainly wasn’t something you’d pick up at the drug store like the body spray I was wearing.

Finally, I pulled back and looked at his face.

“I’m not like those girls, Lucas.” I felt I had to say that. “I’m actually having a good time with you just sitting here in your father’s Bentley.”

“Yeah.” He sat back looking at me. I felt my cheek blush while he stared then he smiled again.

“You should do that more often.”

“Do what?” He leaned toward me.


I couldn’t help myself. When he smiled wide and genuinely I returned it back then fell forward into a passionate kiss. Our tongues met and I willingly pushed my body up to his.

His body was muscular probably from playing tennis on his own private court or working out in his own private gym located at some other corner of the estate.

Off in the distance, I could hear the thump, thump, thump of the music but it was way off somewhere. We were here together in this weird world of red leather seats and windows that were slowly steaming up.

"You should probably get back upstairs," I whispered in his ear.

“Why would I want to do that?”

“Your house could be on fire or someone could be hurt and you wouldn’t know it. Then you’d hate me forever because I got you in trouble.”

“Do you want to go back? We can if you want to.” He swallowed again.

I thought about that for a long time. Did I want to go back to the party? Did I want to look for Sandy and get going? Did I want everyone to see me with Lucas like some kind of prize turkey in a shoot? No. I didn’t want to go back to that world where I was poor and Lucas was rich and people would stare at us.

“This can’t go anywhere.” I murmured.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” I stammered. “I’m just a little lost right now. And I think I forgot to leave that trail of breadcrumbs.” My joke fell flat. I was the only one who tittered at it.