“Mattias hasn’t gotten back to me yet, I don’t have your number, otherwise I would have texted you,” he says as he takes in the room. He already knew I was planning on leaving so it can’t be that much of a surprise to him.

“I don’t have a number right now, I need to pop into town so I can grab a new SIM card,” I say, as I tidy away the mess I’ve made.

“Your provider will send you a new sim out if you ask,” he sounds suspicious but he has no reason too.

“I just want a new sim, is that a crime?” I ask, throwing attitude his way as my hackles start to rise. He’s making me defensive and I don’t like it.

“Maybe, depends on why you want it. So, why haven’t you gone to get one?” He will not drop the attitude either, I do not have to explain myself to this overbearing, moronic twat. But then again, I do need to ask him a favour.

“Well, I was hoping you may take a look at my car and make sure it's working okay?” I ask sheepishly, while I look up at him through my lashes.

“What happened when you tried to start it?” He jumps straight into work mode and I admire that, I’m just not sure how to answer the question.

“Nothing, I just wanted to ensure it was...okay before I got in it,” my teeth are worrying my bottom lip and it won’t surprise me if I draw blood.

“Stop that,” he says as he uses his thumb to free my lip making my breath catch in my throat. “I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll check it over. Just don’t lie to me okay,” his face looks so severe, all I can do is nod my head in agreement.

He checks it over thoroughly and assures me nothing will happen if I drive it, the only issue is, I’ve piqued his curiosity a little too much. He climbs into my passenger seat and refuses to get out. Even the threat of countless hours of shopping won’t deter the stubborn fool, looks like I’ve gained myself a follower. I’ll figure out how to get rid of him later, as for right now, I have some shopping to do.


I MAKE us some dinner when we get back, it’s my way of saying thanks to him for checking my car over. It’s nothing fancy just a lasagne but he helps himself to seconds so I’m guessing he likes it.

“Do you want to watch a film or something, unless you have to get home,” okay, I may have sounded a tad too hopeful by the prospect of him leaving, as his eyes are glinting and a crocodile’s smile crosses across his face.

“Sure, a film sounds great,” he says in a honeyed voice, oh yeah I do not trust that tone in the slightest.

I let him pick the film, well when I say I let him I just gave up the ghost and let him watch whatever would stop him from staring at me so intently. So, we’re watching Insidious and he’s declared it a movie night. How am I supposed to get rid of him?

I sit on the sofa and he sits right next to me, he only moves when I start jabbing him with my feet. He keeps looking at me with this smirk on his face and it’s unnerving for some reason. I sink back into the cushions and curl my feet up beside me, as I watch the film and try to ignore his not so subtle looks.

I get halfway through the first film when a chill works its way through me, travelling down my spine and leaving goose bumps in its wake. I swear someone is watching me, I can feel eyes on me even though H is well and truly engrossed in the film now.

I shiver again and my foot knocks into his leg, he sends me a strange look but he sees something because he’s suddenly sitting up straighter and giving me all of his attention. Pausing the film first of course, priorities and all that.

“What’s wrong?” He looks genuinely concerned and I don’t like it, go back to being cool and unaffected please H. I can handle that.

“Nothing, I guess I’m a chicken shit when it comes to creepy films,” I say nonchalantly, but it only makes his eyes narrow on me.

“Cut the crap Henleigh, what is going on?” His voice is rising and it’s taking on a darker quality.

“I thought someone was watching me, I guess it just spooked me a little,” please just drop it H, I do not want to get into this with you right now. Not that I’ll say that to him.

He stands up and goes o

ver to the window, he stays there staring for a few moments, before he closes the curtains and sits back down beside me.

“It probably is just the film,” he says in agreement, but he doesn’t sound convincing.

I try to settle back down as he presses play once more, but I can’t shake the sense that someone is still watching me. I guess I’m fidgeting because he lets out a deep sigh before grabbing hold of my wrist and pulling me, hard. I lose my balance and tumble into his lap, my head a little too close to his groin for comfort. He clears his throat before slipping his hands under my arms and pulling me against him. Until my head is on his chest and his arm is over my shoulder with his hand resting on the top of my arm.

“Erm H, what are you doing?” It comes out slightly strangled, why am I so nervous around him.

“Don’t read anything into it, I like this film and your constant fidgeting is distracting me. Just relax and let me watch it,” he says simply but his voice is almost husky and I don’t miss the way his fingers trail over my arm in soothing motions. I also don’t stay awake for too much longer.


It slips out as I start to stir and I feel so comfortable and warm, hang on. Why are there arms wrapped around me? I open my eyes feeling slightly dazed, as I take in the black screen of the tv and then the orange glow from underneath the living room door. Why is there an orange glow? I start coughing and I realise that my eyes aren’t misty, there is smoke filtering in from under the door.