“South London on the twenty first of August 2009, want to tell me why?” I ask, the anxiety is bubbling away and mixing with the curiosity.

“A guy was injured on that exact date in the South London area, it doesn’t say a lot about what happened but I have a feeling he was injured either by someone in the car or when your brother’s accident took place. I could be wrong but I doubt it, all

we need to do is find out who the guy is and maybe we can figure it out,” he says, and his eyes are lit up with excitement. I think he’s getting a kick out of this and I don’t know if I should be amused or offended, maybe both is appropriate right now.

“I can’t ask Mattias, he’s friends with Noah and he could let it slip to him. And if Noah finds out, he’ll soon be on my trail,” I’m thinking out loud, and I do not expect him to give me an answer.

“I could always ask him, no one would expect us to be together. I doubt they’d connect it to us, what do you say Henleigh. Fancy drawing me in further?” Yes, his eyes are definitely sparkling.

“What could it hurt, you may as well stick around for a little longer,” I mean really, what could it hurt?

MATTIAS RELUCTANTLY AGREES but he makes it clear that he’s only doing it because they have a friend in common. They do? Oh shit. He’s on about me. Since when did me and Harrison become friends and when did I become so dense. I mean in a weird way, I guess we are now. We helped each other and he’s been there for me, I think even our joke of enemies for life is our code way of saying we’re mates now.

This is getting so confusing, but it is nice not being alone and Harrison is good company. As long as we’re not talking too much, otherwise one of us gets aggravated. I wonder why we rub off on each other so much?

“He’s looking into it, we should have a name within two days,” he says looking smug as he disconnects the call.

“Two days, I wasn’t planning on sticking around that long,” it just slips out and I register the surprise before he shrugs his shoulders as if to say, what are you going to do?

“Where are you going?” He asks but I don’t know if he wants to know or is just being polite.

“I have no idea, I just know I can’t stay here,” my tone is low and my voice is raspy, I really don’t want to cry in front of him.

“Well, I better go I’ll come back over tomorrow after work,” he says, not affected by my struggle at all and I’m relieved he’s ignoring it.

“Come again,” I say, his mention of having a job throwing me completely.

“Didn’t realise I’d cum a first time,” he replies with a cheeky wink that lifts his entire face up and makes his off handed, stay back demeanour change entirely.

“You know what I meant, I didn’t realise you had a job” I say feeling flustered and his smile is showing that he’s enjoying it immensely.

“I’m trying that whole, self-sufficient bullshit. My dad is trying to make it hard for me to do what I want,” he rolls his eyes like its nothing more than an inconvenience. “I’m working part time at a local garage, it’s a good learning experience, and it keeps me busy until college starts up,” he looks like he wants to be proud, but something is stopping him. Probably his father.

“Good on you H, I’m proud of ya,” I say with a smile and I think he may be blushing.

“Yeah whatever, I don’t need your pride,” he mumbles but his tone is almost husky as he leaves without a single glance back

DING DONG the witch is dead, have fun in your car.

Is this the kind of crap I’m going to be waking up to from here on out. How does he even know where I am? He’s probably just trying to fuck with me, but what if he isn’t. I can’t get far without a car and I don’t dare get behind the wheel, not until I know it is safe.

I don’t know what to do with myself, I’m sitting here with the letters from El and Elijah before me. They’re still sealed within their envelopes and they are tormenting me. My heart is screaming at me to open them but my mind is in self-preservation mode and at the moment, my mind is winning.

My phone starts beeping at me and I see that it’s from Noah, three simple but just as powerful words. I love you.

I love you too Noah bear, I really do. That is what is on my mind right now as I remove my sim card and snap it in half. I do the same to the phone Dante put into my old car. I’ve already ordered a pay as you go sim all I need to do is get to town and then I can pick it up. I need to start fresh and that means, they can’t contact me.

I think I should at least be productive while I’m stuck here; so, I decide to pack. I grab all my bits and bring them down into the living room, I need to be harsh and strict and only take the essentials. If it won’t fit in my suitcase and duffel bag, then I don’t get to bring it along. I think I’m going to head to London, I know Devon could be released soon and it won’t hurt to be close by when he does. Maybe he’ll know who this Dante fella is, it’s not that I want to rely on him to keep me safe but he did it when I was a child, why not now?

I’m so angry with him, for keeping secrets and putting Amias into my life and heart, but Eli was right. I can’t push everyone away and it’s mean, but Devon doesn’t mean as much to me anymore. I still care for him but not as much as my guys and I think fighting evil with evil, is my best chance for survival.

I put my headphones in and turn on Lewis Capaldi, Someone You Loved. I’m so lost in the music and repetitiveness of my task that I don’t hear my door open and a scream tears through my throat as I hand falls on my shoulder and an earphone is pulled free.

“Wow, calm down love it’s only me,” Harrison says as his face comes into view, my heart is beating so hard I’m expecting it to break free of my chest.

“I didn’t know,” I say hoarsely, my throat sore from the intensity of my scream.

“I get jumping and even a little squeal of fright, but that scream goes well and truly beyond that,” he’s raising his eyebrows as he comes in front of me. “No, something else has you scared and I have a feeling you thought I was whoever or whatever that is. How am I doing so far?” His eyes are so intense and he’s daring me to try and deny it, so I’m not going to say anything.