Going back to school is its own drama, everyone is staring at us. People are pointing, laughing or sending me nasty glares.

“Am I missing something here?” Ivy asks and I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“You really are a whore, three guys not enough for you?” Chelsea shouts before storming over to me and slapping me across the face.

Ow, that bitch can slap!

“What was that for?” I ask, I have no idea what I’ve done this time.

“Keep your hands to yourself, Finley is mine,” she screams, spittle flying from her mouth as she slams a picture against my chest.

It's me and Finley, that’s when I went to the nurse and he wouldn’t take his arm off me. Chelsea is throwing more at my feet, me in the swimming pool with him looking down at me. Finley in the pool as I climb out with a smirk on my face. There’s even one where we’re standing there looking at one another, I know it’s when we were talking about Mr. Terrifying but it looks intense. These were orchestrated, I knew he was up to something that son of a bitch.

“Listen here Chelsea, I don’t want your boyfriend. He’s an arsehole which makes him perfect for you, you have an issue then take it up with him. He’s the one that can’t seem to stay away from me, so if you can get him to back off, I’d be eternally grateful. Although in his defence, if you stopped throwing yourself at every guy on the grounds, he may stop doing the same. I may have three guys but at least I have standards.” Words can be a great weapon and they can cut sharper than any knife, especially when they are sharpened by nothing more than the truth. I wonder how deep these cuts will go?

That is all I have to say, Ivy is following me as I make it to my room. My heart is thumping like mad in my chest, please let this be the last thing that occurs today.

I guess luck isn't on my side, I’m yanking my phone out of my pocket to find it exploding with texts. They all say the same.

Get to Amias’ room. NOW.

I don’t think I’ve ever pounded on a door harder in my life, can’t someone just open the damn door!

“Henleigh calm down, everything is okay,” Noah says as he opens the door and pulls me inside, Ivy is quick to follow me in.

I don’t even need to ask what’s going on, Amias is black and blue.

“What happened?” I ask, rushing to his side. All my anger is disappearing he can barely open his left eye. His face is badly swollen, and he’s got a black eye, a broken nose and a split lip.

“I fell,” he says on a groan and he’s grabbing his side as he tries to roll over.

That’s it, I need to see the rest. He doesn’t even have the strength to stop me from lifting up his top. Damn it’s like a marbled effect between his tanned skin and dark, horrid bruises.

“Will you all leave, I want to be alone?” he asks and we won’t argue with him, even if we all want to.

“Of course we can, just text us if you need anything,” I say, brushing my hand over his hair.

“Will you stay little cub, just you? Please,” I cannot say no to him, not like this. Even if me staying counteracts his being alone request.

Everyone looks worried but they are all looking at us with this shared smile of understanding, I don’t know why he wants me to stay. Not after the way he’s been behaving but they seem to get it. They say bye but he doesn’t return it, instead he stays on his back with his head facing away from them. This is going to be an awkward evening, I can just tell.

I sit down on his chair and flick through my emails, there's one from PastFinder but Amias is saying my name so it can wait. Besides, I have already decided that I will reply to the next one I get from them. That’s probably best done when I’m alone.

“Are you okay?” I ask, raising my voice so he can hear me.

“Will you come and sit with me?”

He’s only like this when he’s scared and I guess in pain or maybe he is scared, I don’t know what happened but I do know he didn’t ‘fall down.’

I sit down beside him and I hate that I’m stiffening up as he puts his arms around me and pulls me closer, while he groans in pain.

“Sorry, you can go. I know I deserve it,” he says, and it's hurting my heart.

“I’m not going anywhere, I’m pissed at you and angry but I won’t leave you like this. I care about you Amias, surely you can see that. You just, hurt me. None of that is important right now though, will you tell me what happened and please do not lie to me.” I thought I could stay strong like a steel chain, but instead my voice breaks like a weak link struggling from the weight being placed upon it and revealing its pressure points.

“I can’t tell you little cub, anything I say will only be a lie and I won’t do that,” he’s starting to gasp so I place my finger over his lips.

I do not like the secrecy, but I can’t force him to tell me, especially in his condition. I want to kill whoever is responsible for this, god help them when I figure it all out.