“Little cub, please don’t hate me,” he says, as he pulls me in closer and lays his head on my lap, nuzzling his cheek against my stomach.

“I don’t think I could ever hate you, even if I really want to sometimes. I just wish you trusted me to stick around, maybe you wouldn’t keep things from me anymore.” I cannot be any more emphatic than I am right now, please just see me Amias. See how much I need your truths.

“You keep things from me,” he points out.

“I know, but I can honestly say that nothing I am holding back can affect us. Okay at least I hope that's the case, you could change your opinion but it doesn’t affect who we are now. Can you say the same?” My fingers brush through his hair, I hope it’s soothing for him, it’s just not having the same effec

t on me. Be honest, please.

“It really hurts to breathe,” that's his reply, is avoidance any better than a lie? Because I cannot decide.

I have been with Amias for two nights, but I have to go to class today and I don’t think I can stay here for a third one. I haven’t seen anyone else and I know he needs me but I’m running on empty, I’ve barely slept.

My English class is going great but my eyes are sore and I really want to take a nap, I love this class and I hate that I’m not working at a thousand percent efficiency. My eyes are drooping, I cannot fall asleep.

“Miss Monterey, Mrs. Hutchinson needs to see you in her office,” my teacher says as I shoot my head up. She’s looking at me with sympathy which is surprising, but she is my favourite for a reason.

I can’t make myself walk any faster and I can’t see this impromptu summoning being anything good. I don’t even have to wait, I’m literally sent right in as soon as I arrive, what is... oh no, how did I forget.

Harrison is in a wheelchair, damn it. I wasn’t expecting this, and he is not happy to see me.

“I think I’d rather be back in a coma,” he spits out with a derisive and hate filled look my way.

“Mr. Barnes, show this girl some respect. She is the only one who agreed to help you try and pass this year so you will not have to retake both year twelve and thirteen, and I asked plenty of students.”

Damn Mrs. Hutchinson, that is harsh. Can she even say things like that to a student? I know she’s defending me, but I don’t need nor want her to.

“Yes, Ma’am,” he says glumly, and she calls for someone named Benjy to come and take Harrison and me to the library.

“Benjy will be taking Harrison around the school and although he won’t be in the study room with you, he will be close by. This is going to be difficult for you Miss Monterey, you have to keep your grades up and help him with his. This will require three days a week and he’ll be taught in between your sessions by a separate teacher. He isn’t able to attend the classroom at the moment.”

“Mrs. Hutchinson, why are you telling me all of this?” I ask, I’m trying to connect the dots but it isn’t making any sense.

“Because you are intelligent and gifted and I am concerned that this will stifle you, he shouldn’t be sitting his exams come Summer but my hands are tied. I know I put this onto you, but if your grades start to slip, I will put a halt to all of this.” Damn, does she want him to fail, I thought this school hated bad press, they’re so strict that everyone must pass with a grade C or higher. Why would she want him to fail or be held back?

“Will he be held back if that occurs?” I ask, acting as though the answer will mean very little to me, either way.

“I believe so, it may be the best course of action,” she replies, with a deep and heavy sigh.

I follow Benjy and Harrison into a private study room and he gives me a device to contact him on, just in case. Just in case what, is something going to happen, should I be worried?

“I bet you jumped at this didn’t you, couldn’t wait to be perfect little Miss, doing her good deed and proving that she is the universe’s gift to us mere mortals.” Sarcasm and anger, can he feel any other emotions or is this all he has in him? Although I can’t forget the hate either can I, maybe three emotions then.

“Hang on a second, you actually think I want to be stuck in this room with you three days a week. This is far from fun for me, I’m just trying to do the right thing,” I reply, rolling my eyes and shaking my head in mock despair.

“As if you know what the right thing is,” he mumbles, and he gets my back up instantly, must be his special gift.

I am so done with talking to him, I’m just going to get started and he can either pay attention and let me help him or he can fail, it doesn’t bother me which option he chooses.

I’m putting his textbook on the table in front of him, as well as a notebook and a pen and pencil. His stare is so hard I’m surprised it's not drilling a hole through the wood.

I’m explaining what we need to cover and it’s clear to see he’s not paying any attention to me, his loss not mine.


It continues for the next two weeks, I’m talking and he’s doing whatever he can to not take me seriously. Mrs. Hutchinson is asking what’s going on and I keep saying I have everything under control but I’m lying through my teeth. I don’t want him to fail but what else can I do, I can’t get through his thick skull to make him see that he does in fact need my help.

“There isn’t anything you can do, if he fails that’s his fault not yours” says Noah as I lay curled up on his lap.