Oh no. Something did happen last night, I’m not sure if I want to remember or remain in denial.

“Amias is behind you,” he whispers, but I’m not going to whisper my reply.

“Amias can take a running leap for all I care right now,” I may as well be spitting acid as I say his name. “What’s happening after I see my Dad?”

“Are you kidding me, what did I do?” Amias is raising his voice and I do not appreciate it.

“Outside the club, you want to be an arse that’s fine with me, I'm just not going to be around for it,” I say before giving a kiss to Noah and Elijah and walking outside to spend some time with my Dad.

I don’t know what’s happening after, if I need to go back to school on my own or meet back up with them but either way, they have my number and they can always let me know.

I have had the best day with my Dad, I can’t believe he’s organised an intensive driving course for me and organised school passes so I can take my lessons whilst in attendance. Noah does text me and lets me know to meet them at the beach but as Dad drops me off I can’t help but notice that Amias is nowhere to be found. It’s bothering me, why wouldn’t it? But if he won’t tell me why he was so short and frankly mean to me, then I don’t want to be around him right now.

“Hey guys,” I say with a little wave, making my way over to them.

“Hey beautiful, before you say anything Amias isn’t missing because of what happened it has something to do with Harrison.” He’s talking gently, with his hands reaching for me. He’s worried, and it’s affecting me, this can’t be anything good.

I stop in my tracks and I don’t know why but my legs are hurrying me back to my Dad and he’s soon driving me to the hospital. I look back for a split second to see the looks of shock and confusion on their faces. But whether he was an arse or not, if he’s at the hospital I won’t let him be there alone!

I rush through the main entrance and I won't stop until I make it to the ICU. I get to his room and see a girl with her head turned away from me, so he has a girlfriend. She lifts her head and I’m not going to wait around and find out who she is, nope I’m out of here.

“Henleigh,” Amias says, peering out of a waiting room.

This boy jeez Louise, he scared me half to death.

“Are you okay, the guys told me something happened with Harrison.” I’m worrying and I’m making it clear to him. I need to calm down, my voice is way too fevered.

“I had to come, I needed to see him for myself but someone else was in there and I chickened out. What are you even doing here?” He’s baffled, why? Did he think I wouldn’t come?

“I may be annoyed with you, but I won’t let you go through this alone. I’m here for as long as you need me,” I say, but I can’t let him hold me, not right now.

“I think I just want to go, I’ll try again another day. I wouldn’t even know what to say.” He starts to move closer to the exit and I don’t know why, but in his eyes, I can see a scared little boy. Forced into a scary world and instead of being protected by his parents, he was out right in the middle of the darkest parts of this world.

“It’s easy really, you just talk and don’t think too hard about what you’re saying. At least that way it’ll be honest,” I reply, as we leave the unit and luckily my Dad takes us back to the others. What an eventful birthday weekend this turned out to be.


I can’t believe it’s been a month since my birthday and Amias is teetering on the edge, Harrison has started to wake up, but we still don’t know if there are or will be any lasting complications.


Opening up my locker kick starts a chain reaction as a fire breaks out and my books set aflame, people are crowding around and someone has set off the fire alarm as paper starts to filter out.

They’re newspaper clippings, some have caught fire but some seem to have made it out fairly unscathed. I’ve got to grab some of them, I don’t know why but I feel compelled to do so.

I haven’t got time to read them now, someone is putting the fire out and the teachers are hurrying us to our classes. While talking about calling the cops, yeah because that will help. It doesn’t matter that I’m in the year thirteen mansion now, seeing as my enemies are here as well.

I’m trying not to think of the clippings but I’m finding it really hard to concentrate on my classes, it doesn’t really matter I have the books and I can easily catch up on my own time. The thing is, it’s Sod’s law that when you have something you need or want to do, time always passes slower. Plus, once today’s classes are over, Mattias is going to start teaching me how to hack. Knowing my luck, I’ll suck at it which means I’ll have to move onto plan b, asking him or Noah to do it for me. I really don’t want to do that.

Yeah, I really need to get out of class, I haven’t taken any notes and I don’t even know what we’re supposed to be learning today. What could I do to get out of here for the day? Okay, here goes nothing.

I’m holding my hand up and Mrs. Collins is making her way over to me. I feel bad for lying but she’s such a sweetheart, the downside to saying that I feel sick and like I’m about to faint, I have to go to the nurse first.

Now there are always two problems at least with lying. One, you always get found out no matter how practiced you are. And two, it can blow up in your face in a single moment. I really should have thought about that before telling the teacher, why can’t I stop and just think for a minute?

“Finley, seeing as you aren’t paying an ounce of attention today, you can escort Henleigh to the nurse.”

“Whatever you say Miss,” he replies as I stand up and he wraps his arm around my waist.