We move to the dance floor and the music is slow at the moment, it’s nice to sway to but while my head is on his shoulders, I’m feeling really sleepy. Once the music picks back up, I can’t help but twist my hips, rubbing against him as I do. He drops his head to my shoulder before a sharp sting floods through my shoulder and ignited my core. He bit me hard, I can’t believe it but it feels so good.

“Mmmnoah,” it’s all mixing together and my head is spinning, why aren’t my feet on the ground anymore?

“What’s happening?” Here comes Amias, yay can’t wait for him to be an arse again.

“I’m taking her back to her room, she’s a little worse for wear.”

“I can take her,” Amias says but he’s not leaving a lot of room for Noah to say no.

“Not him, you,” I say as I snuggle in closer and I can feel his chest vibrating.

Ooo this is comfy! Hang on, opening my eyes I can see Noah smiling softly as he lays me on my bed.

“Mmm my Noah bear, are you taking care of me?” I ask, I feel sleepy but my body is buzzing from his proximity, these embers could be stoked into an inferno if he isn’t careful.

“I’ll always take care of you Leighbear.” He whispers it against me as he pulls away and strokes down my cheek.

“Don’t I get a good night kiss?” I ask, looking up at him and hoping like anything that he won’t say no.

“How can I refuse the birthday girl,” he says, and he is actually winking, damn I like flirty Noah.

He’s leaning down and connecting his mouth with mine, it doesn’t take much to knock him off balance so he falls onto the bed beside me. I’m threading my fingers through his hair as I remove any barrier between us, he groans as I nudge him onto his back and sit on top of his hips, straddling him.

He’s keeping one hand on my waist and the other is cradling my face, our tongues are tangling and my hips are moving with very little thought on my behalf. My moans sound so loud to my ears and they’re soon joined by his, before he flips me off of him and I’m lying flat on my back.

He’s hovering over me, but the only part of us that is touching are our foreheads. He’s breathing deeply, and a battle is waging in his eyes, he closes them before exhaling and dropping a light kiss upon the tip of my nose.

“Not tonight Henleigh, not like this.”

“Why not?”

“Because I’m one of the good guys Leighbear, trust me when I say there is nothing I want more than to be with you right now. But I can’t, not like this. When we come together and I do mean when, not if, you will be completely sober and you’ll be wanting it for the right reasons.” His finger strokes across my collarbone, eliciting shivers through me. “Because you want me and not because you’ve been hurt, I don’t think you’ll even remember this conversation come tomorrow so I don’t mind saying this now,” he takes a deep breath as he lightly presses a kiss on both of my cheeks. There’s a battle waging within himself and I have no idea what will happen when it comes to a head and the victorious makes itself known. “I feel more for you than I’m willing to admit right now Henleigh Monterey and when we come together, there will be nothing and no one between us, physically or mentally. Get some sleep beautiful,” he drops a kiss on my head and I fall asleep.

If this is what a hangover feels like, why do people keep doing it? It’s horrendous, my mouth feels like sandpaper, my lips are cracked and I’m stuck between feeling like I’m about to hurl and not wanting to move because my head is having a party wit

h a bloody drill. It is banging, please just go away.

What happened last night? I remember dancing and drinking, scratch that, a lot of drinking! I was dancing with Amias, and then he... disappeared. I followed him outside and he was harsh, so I got more to drink and danced with Elijah who then told me I should sit down, I think. Eidetic memories aren’t so great when alcohol is involved, that’s a good tidbit to remember. Then Roxie came over and said some shit to Noah who took me dancing again and then I fell asleep.

Hmm, I’m missing something I know it. It’s in the back of my mind, why can’t I remember what happened between me falling asleep in his arms and then waking up here, this is fan-fucking-tastic. I can’t ask him, what if it’s really embarrassing, oh no please tell me I didn’t make an utter fool of myself.

“Open up sleepy head, your Dad will be here in thirty minutes,” Bella says through the door.

Hang on, my Dad is coming. Why don’t these people tell me anything, it’s infuriating even if they have been super sweet. Excluding Amias of course.

Jeans, my new cowboy boots, my oversized slouch jumper and my leather bomber jacket and I’m good to go. I find everyone waiting in the lobby downstairs, with their bags on the floor between them all.

“There she is, how's the hangover baby girl?” asks Roxie and I can’t manage much more than an eye roll.

I need an Elijah hug I think and a Noah one too, but I still don’t know if I humiliated myself last night or not. Elijah is opening his arms with a huge smile donning his face, I can’t help but snuggle into his warmth.

“How are you feeling baby?” He’s speaking quietly, I don’t think he’s a stranger to a hangover himself.

“I’m good, this headache is a killer though,” I reply and his chest is vibrating with sheathed laughter.

“Leighbear,” Noah sounds hesitant and I hate that I’m feeling so awkward, snap out of it Henleigh, everything is fine.

“Hey you,” I say as I step into his open arms and I can’t help the sigh I release and he does the same.