We have a few more before I’m feeling brave enough to start dancing, I take Bella’s hand and we hit the floor. She’s so

fun to dance with, as we bump and grind and spin one another. I’ve got a gentle buzz going and I’m having a lot of fun.

It’s only intensifying as Only the Brave surrounds me and Amias’ arms wrap around my middle. I’m not thinking, losing myself in the music and swaying my hips to the beat. He’s squeezing me tighter and I can feel how much I’m affecting him. I throw my arms up around his neck and he trails his fingers down the inside of my arms, leaving tingles and goose bumps in his wake.

I’m turning to speak to him but his jaw is clenching and he’s staring towards the exit, what has he seen to cause this reaction in him. He’s coiled tighter than a spring.

“I’ll be back,” he whispers in my ear, but his voice is as cold as ice.

He walks over to the door and I see him leave and someone quickly follows him out, I’m not just going to wait around for him to come back. He may need help, and it’s too crowded for me to see the others.

The air is cold as it brushes against my bare arms and I can’t see Amias anywhere, but I can hear him.

“I’m not doing it, it’s done,” he says as I look into an alleyway and see him standing with a behemoth of a man.

“Henleigh, what are you doing out here?” He asks, his voice harsh and kind of menacing.

“I saw you leave and wanted to make sure you were okay,” I reply, I want to step closer but something is holding me back.

“I’m fine, I don’t need you following me around. Just go back inside and dance with your boyfriend, I’ll be in when I’m done.” It’s like his tongue is a whip, threatening to tear my skin and leave my soul marred by the ugliness he is throwing my way.

“You know what, fuck you Amias,” I’m pissed, how dare he talk to me like that. Fine he wants me with one of the guys, he’s about to get his wish.

“That was harsh Amias, the boss will be pleased to hear you’ve seen the error of your ways,” comes from the behemoth, but I’m beyond caring right now.

I get back into the club and dancing can wait, I need tonight to become a distant memory and a few more shots will definitely help with that.

Roxie is dancing with Declan, and Mikaela is looking out for Bella, who is way past merry. Nope, still thinking more shots should fix that.

I don’t even know how many I’ve thrown back but I’m ready to dance, the room is spinning slightly and it’s funny. Why is it funny?

“Hey pretty girl, what are you doing?” Elijah asks, talking is useless it’s more fun to wrap my arms around his neck and gyrate my hips.

His intake of breath is all I need to know I’m affecting him and I can’t help but moan as he returns my gyrations with his own. I don’t care that we’re dry humping to music in a crowded place, my blood is pumping and my anger is switching to a different emotion.

“I think we should take a break,” Elijah growls out, as he steps back and scrunches his eyes closed.

“What’s wrong big guy?” My emotions are either like a Yo-Yo or a tidal wave, either way, it’s hard to stay on top when they change so suddenly. From hot to confused in under a second how fun.

“This is torture for me baby and apparently I’m more of a gentleman than I thought,” he says as he steers me over to our table.

“What’s up birthday girl?” Bella asks as I flip down into my seat.

“Apparently guys think it’s fine to tell me what I can and can’t do,” I say with more attitude than I even thought I possessed.

“Noah sort your girl out, she should be happy and having a great time. What are you guys doing?” asks Roxie as she stumbles over.

“It’s not my fault, I’ve been here the whole time,” he exclaims holding his hands out to pacify her.

“Then do something to make it better, come on Noah you’re the best one of you three anyway no wonder she…” Declan throws his hand over her mouth to stop her from saying anything else.

“You can lick me all you like, I will not let you finish that sentence,” he says, and his tone is warm enough to sizzle, and the way she’s gyrating against him I think it’s giving her ideas.

“Come dance with me Leighbear, we’ll dance until we’re sore and aching,” he says as he holds out his hand to me and pulls me up into his arms.

“It’s not your job to keep me happy and make up for those muppets,” I slur, oh no I’m slurring.

“Isn’t keeping my girlfriend happy in the job description, in all seriousness, I want you to be happy and if I’m the reason, you are then so am I.”