Noah gives me a beanie hat, scarf and gloves set with little skulls on them and a keyring with a picture of us on it and our nicknames written on the back. I’m giving his hand a squeeze now, but I’m going to thank him a lot better later when we’re in the club.

Elijah has got me a bloody digital camera with multiple lenses, a tripod, wrist and neck strap and a ridiculously sized memory card. Blow me, they are making this a birthday to remember for sure. I give him a light squeeze as well, before Amias takes my hand and draws my attention over to him.

“In comparison mine seems real crappy, but here,” he says as he pretty much throws it at me. I’m laughing and I know he’s not appreciating it which unfortunately, makes me laugh harder.

I can compose myself, and I really should look to see what he’s given me. I don’t really have any words, I’m trying to take it in but, I can’t.

There’s this beautiful dark oak box with an inscription on the side,


To house everything that will never be forgotten.

There’s a picture inside of Elliott and me and it’s in multiple forms, engraved, photo, laminated and even printed on some type of plastic. How could he ever doubt my love for this, and then I see something laying in the bottom of the bag. I fish it out and find a crystal threaded on a leather band, okay I have no idea what this is for?

“The box is for your memories, whatever you find or have that you want to keep safe and I knew the first thing you’d want in there would be your brother. Your father helped me with that one,” I look to my Dad and he’s looking at us with confusion but he’s smiling, that’s a good sign at least. “The crystal however is to keep you safe from harm, I know not a lot of people put much stock in the power of crystals, but I know a few people who swear by them.”

He looks really embarrassed, and it’s right now that I spot it, he has a crystal of his own. Tied around his wrist and just hidden by the sleeve on his shirt.

I offer him my right wrist, the same one that he has chosen and ask him to put it on me, his smile is glorious and my resolve is weakening. I’m going to fall hard for this guy, I just know it.

I can’t imagine it will take a long time to get ready for a club, but clearly I know nothing in these matters.

“Go and get showered and then we’ll get started on your hair and makeup,” orders Roxie and she’s even slapping my arse, this girl is crazy.

The shower is heavenly and I’m spending longer in here than I really need, but if I can’t dally on my birthday, when can I?

Once I’m out, Roxie quickly shoves me down in a chair and all I’ve got on is my underwear and a dressing gown. They are curling my hair and doing my makeup, but they won’t let me look until I have my dress on. Girls are exasperating, but I’m not going to lie to myself and say I’m not having fun.

I put on my dress and my wedge heels and then they’re pushing me over to the mirror. My lips are painted red and my eyes are smoky with black eyeliner, she contoured my face perfectly it’s amazing. My hair is plaited around the crown of my head and then falls down into a pile of loose curls, it’s so effective and I think I’ll let them dress me any day if this is the end result.

Bella is in a halter neck sixties dress with a skater skirt that falls to her knees and Roxie is in a black mini skirt with a pair of stilettos with spikes running down the back and a cream tank top. We definitely shape up nice, Mikaela is wearing a dark blue body suit that comes to just above her knees, she looks a little uncomfortable but she’s smiling which is always a good sign.

“Come on bitches, let’s go make the guys drool,” Roxie says as she wraps her arms around mine and Bella’s shoulders while I link arms with Mikaela before she steers all of us down into the lobby.

The guys are all in jeans and black boots while Amias is wearing a black top with a red collar, Elijah is in a skin tight, long sleeve navy top and Noah is wearing a red shirt. They all look so damn yummy and they’re all looking at me as though I’m the only girl around.

I’m holding my hand up, why am I doing that I look like such a numpty.

“Hey beautiful,” Elijah says as he wraps his arms around me and drops a kiss onto my cheek, the other two do the same and then we are bustling our arses to get in a taxi and find ourselves a decent night club.

The club is heaving, why do people enjoy these places? I can’t think and it’s hard to move, I’m just lucky Mikaela is a master at finding a place to sit down and rest.

Roxie and Declan are already on the dance floor and Amias is off getting us drinks, I feel so out of place I’m just glad Noah and Elijah are with me.

“You ready for some fun?” Elijah asks, bumping his shoulder against mine.

“Umm I think so, not really sure this is my scene though,” I reply.

“Mine either, but you only live once,” comes from Noah as he watches Roxie and Declan disappear.

“Drinks up.”

That is a lot of drinks, shots, beers and some mixers I think. Is he trying to get me drunk? Because I can’t see it taking much.

I pick up one of the shot glasses and all of us, minus Mikaela and Noah throw one back, followed by a beer.

“I’ll have one and that’s it, someone needs to keep an eye on you guys,” he says and I admire and respect him for it.