Alert the media.

Morgan and I trot to the kitchen together. I grab a large bowl out of the kitchen cabinet, dumping the popcorn into it, while Morgan pours herself a glass of water. We end up talking about Alex for fifteen minutes before retreating to the living room. We turn the corner to find Ethan laughing his head off at something on his phone.

“What’s so funny?” I ask.

It takes me a solid second to realize it’s not his phone he’s staring at.

It’s mine.


“What did you do?” My pulse escalates.

“Nothing he didn’t deserve.” Ethan shrugs.


Who’s he?


I dash to the couch, snatching my phone out of his hands. I was right—Will texted me. Barely a minute after we walked out of the room. Ethan’s curiosity must’ve gotten the best of him on message number six.

Willy Wonka: Hey, I’m back in town

Willy Wonka: I’m so sorry I didn’t text you before. You’re never going to believe what happened

Willy Wonka: Where are you? I’ll meet you.

Willy Wonka: I’ll explain everything

Willy Wonka: Kass?

Willy Wonka: Baby?

So now he wants to talk to me.

I keep scrolling, nearly dropping my phone at Ethan’s reply.

Kass: Who the fuck are you and why are you texting my girl?


Just great.

The three dots pop at the bottom of my screen.

Willy Wonka: I’m her boyfriend asshole. Who the fuck are you?

I scoff.

He calls himself my boyfriend?

As in a regular male companion with whom one has a romantic relationship? Because, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not a regular companion if I see you once every two years, Willy.

I stone Ethan with popcorn. “What. The. Hell. Were. You. Thinking?”

“I know you.” He laughs, shielding himself with his forearm. “You would’ve been too nice to him, and he ghosted you for days, Kass. Days! Dude deserved it.”