I open my mouth to retort, but a loud knock on Morgan’s front door interrupts our bickering.

Then another knock.

And another.

And another.

The knocks grow louder, more insistent by the second. It sounds like someone’s trying to beat the goddamn door down.

We all exchange quick “Is this how we die?” glances. Morgan is the first to make a move, but I follow close behind. I’m not letting her go alone. As for Ethan, he watches us from the living room. Thanks, man.

Morgan checks through the peephole.

“Holy shit.” She gasps.

“What?” The suspense is killing me.

She pulls away, her eyes expanding in size.

“He’s here.”

I need a moment to make sense of what Morgan just said.


Will is here.

Why is it so hard to breathe all of a sudden?

“Who? Who?” Ethan shrieks, scurrying to us in no time. “Kass’s man? Let me see.”

How did he know where to find me? Or where Morgan lives? But most importantly, why is he here?

What does he want?

His cheeks mashed against the door, Ethan peers through the small gap for long seconds. It’s his first time seeing Will. He’s heard of him a little—okay, a lot—but they’ve never actually met.

“Holy fuck,” he mouths. “That’s Will?”

I nod.

He fans himself with his left hand. “Hot damn, I’d lie to my brother too for a piece of that ass.”

Morgan snorts a laugh. Another set of powerful knocks rattle the door, and Ethan jumps as though he forgot there was a real person on the other side. Will’s not going anywhere. My car’s parked in the driveway. He knows I’m here.

Might as well face him.

“Okay. Enough. Back to the living room. Both of you.”

Ethan doesn’t budge. “But—”

“Ethan, now!”

Morgan steps in, dragging him away.

“Ah, man.” Ethan mopes.

I take a breath, attempting to gather myself, and spin the knob with a trembling hand. He’s right there, on Morgan’s porch, in a plain black T-shirt and faded, torn-at-the-knees jeans. Dark circles mark his eyes. The second he drinks me in, his features light up.