He didn’t.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Blake tilts his head.

“Try me,” I snarl.

Defeat is written all over his face.

If I’m going down, he’s going down with me.

“Fine.” He shoves me off him.

That’s his way of saying he won’t rat me out. Satisfied, I scurry to the stairs. Alex must be halfway dead by now. He’s been Kendrick’s punching bag for a while.

“Do you love her?”

His voice is ice-cold, but a hint of jealousy melts through. I feel so awful hearing the word “love” I’m tempted to carry on walking. Pretend I didn’t catch that. She told me she loved me this morning. And I acted like some deaf asshole.

I can’t go there.

I don’t even know what that means.

“She’s everything to me.”

A deep laugh leaves his lips. “That’s not saying you love her. Did you feed her that bullshit? Man, she must be a wreck.”

Guilt slices through me.

“She said it, didn’t she? She said she loves you?”

Who the fuck is he? Dr. Phil?

I don’t reply, concentrating my anger into my fists.

“Piece of advice: don’t flatter yourself. Bitch is so desperate for attention she said it to me the first time I screwed her, too. Blame it on the daddy issues.”

I could strangle him.

I regain my composure. “About that, man. You should probably go see someone for your… problem. Maybe you can last a whole minute next time you fuck Zoey’s loose cunt.”

His eyes flare with surprise and rage—surprise because he wasn’t expecting me to know about his history with Zoey, and rage, because well… can’t be easy being a minute man.

“You know what?” He stifles a laugh. “Why am I even bothering? That’s the thing with you, Will. I don’t need to mess up your relationship. I don’t need to ruin your life.” He rams his arm into mine as he beats me to the stairs.

Seconds before he races up, he shoots me a poisonous, spiteful glare over his shoulder.

“You’ll do it yourself.”


“Are you going to eat that?” Ethan slants over me, swiping the untouched chocolate bar in my hand and taking a bite. Morgan stares at me in anticipation of a reaction—any reaction. She knows that, out of my many pet peeves, people touching my food is the biggest one, but to my great surprise, I can’t bring myself to argue.

All I can think about is Will.

It’s been four days since we slept together. Four long days since he said he’d be busy with the guys for a while. And he wasn’t kidding. I haven’t heard from him once. He promised the only reason he wouldn’t text me was if a life was on the line.

Boy, you better be dead.

When Morgan suggested we skip the school’s pep rally and spend the afternoon binge-watching movies at her place, I didn’t hesitate. I was foolish enough to think it would help get my mind off the hundred worst-case scenarios eating me whole. What happened at the fight with Haze?