The answer seems evident.


It has to be. They’re probably shagging again. I bet she just couldn’t wait to run her fucking mouth.

“I also saw you sneak out of her house like a fucking criminal yesterday morning.”


He did tell me he wanted to talk to Winter in person after Haze crashed the fake-girlfriend dinner. Probably turned up at Kass’s house early.

“You spent the night there, didn’t you? You fucked her?”

This can’t be happening.

Not before the fight.

It would stir up a shitstorm—no, a shithurricane—between me and Kendrick, and we need him on top of his game right now. Struck dumb, I consider my options. I could bullshit him and say I crashed there because I was drunk—how much can he really know from standing outside her house?—but something tells me his mind is made up and set in stone.

“You’re right. I did fuck her. And it was good as hell, thanks for asking.”

He seems floored.

In disbelief that I came clean that easy.

If I were smart, I’d stop there. Stand down. But I find myself wanting to push his buttons for what he did to Kass. A beating wasn’t enough.

“We did it everywhere. On the wall, on her bed, on her desk. She came on my cock over and over again. Oh, and she told me how she faked it your entire relationship. That what you wanted to hear, Blakie?”

His jaw hangs.

I mock gasp. “Shit, TMI?”

“You bastard.” He lurches forward, throwing a punch that he fails to deliver when I duck. “Why her, Will? Why Kass? Couldn’t you find some other girl to empty your balls?”

In one move, I grip his collar, slamming his back to the fridge without breaking a sweat. Blake’s an okay fighter, but he’s far from the best of us. He won’t come at me if he knows what’s good for him.

“It’s not like that,” I spit inches from his face.

“So, you two are dating, then?” He scoffs. “Is that why you’ve been ignoring someone’s texts since yesterday? You’re ghosting her, aren’t you? Because you’re freaking out. Typical Will.”

I’m not ghosting her. I just need time to sort my shit out. I’ll come back to her as soon as this is over.

“None of your business.”

“You’re right. It’s not. But maybe it’s Kendrick’s. I’m sure he’d be happy to know you’re plunging your dick into his sister every night, don’t you?”

The thought makes my skin crawl.

Would he ever forgive me?

“Good point. Why don’t we tell him together? You tell him about me, and I’ll tell him about you, deal?” I quip.

Color spills from his face.

He’s no better than I am. He dated her, too. Long before me. Even if it was a miserable, unfaithful relationship. Yes, I slept with Kendrick’s sis, but Blake treated her like shit, cheated on her with her best friend the whole time, then dumped her over text. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say I have a better shot at forgiveness.

Plus, I really fell for her.