“What are you doing here?” I ask him.

“What do you think?” He grabs me by the wrist. “I’m taking you home. Where you belong.”

“She’s not going any

where.” Haze yanks me back to him, the suddenness of his pull freeing my hand from Kendrick’s grasp. “Are you out of your mind? She’s not safe in Florida. Tanner’s still out there. It’s the last place she should be.”

“He’s been taken care of.” Kendrick’s voice grows angrier.

“What’s that supposed to mean? What did you do?” Haze growls.

“You didn’t kill him, did you?” I say what I know Haze is thinking out loud.

“I probably should’ve since he seemed to have no problem with killing Winter or my entire family, but no, I didn’t kill that waste of oxygen you call your brother. I made a deal with him.”

“What deal?” Haze asks.

“It wasn’t much of a deal, really. I just made him a promise. That Winter would go back to Canada in a few weeks where she’ll be safe and away from anyone who could want to harm her. But, especially, where she’ll be away from you. All she has to do is leave town as planned when school ends. He promised to leave her alone until then. He doesn’t care about her. It was never personal. He just wanted to get you back. Now, let’s go. We have a long ride ahead of us.” Kendrick motions to the door.

Haze grits his teeth and steps forward.

“You’re not her mother, asshole. She’s a big girl. She’ll go with you if she wants to,” Haze says an inch away from Kendrick’s face.

“A big girl? Please. She’s a child. She knows nothing. She’s so naïve she actually thinks you’re in love with her,” Kendrick shouts.

“And it’s never occurred to you that maybe I am?” Haze shouts right back.

Silence ensues.

Kendrick opens and closes his mouth repeatedly in a desperate attempt to restore his composure. He’s speechless.

Is this a bad time to swoon like a thirteen-year-old girl?

Haze sidles to me and intertwines our fingers as if to support what he’s saying. My heart swells with happiness. Kendrick shoots me a suspicious look that’s dripping with expectations.

“It’s true, Kendrick. He loves me… and I love him. I’m not leaving.”

Kendrick draws a sigh, rolls his eyes, and curses.

“I was afraid you’d say that…” Kendrick says. “So I prepared for the worst.”

He walks back outside, bends down to get something he left on the porch, then drops it on the hardwood floor.

A suitcase.

“Hell no, you’re not staying here,” Haze immediately says.

“Yes, I am. We’re a family package, Adams. Sorry.” Kendrick closes the door.

Haze studies me. I know he wants me to tell him that it’s out of the question, but I end up smiling timidly instead. The truth is, I missed Kendrick. I wouldn’t mind having him around.

“Oh come on. Cheer up,” Kendrick scoffs. “It’s just until Winter goes back to Canada. Then, she’ll be safe and never see you again. Everyone wins.”

“How am I winning, asshat? I’ll never see my girlfriend again.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, I said everyone. Which means you have to be an actual person and not a piece of shit to be included, Haze.”
