That’s the strike Haze won’t allow. He’s about to put Kendrick in his place when—because Life has a sense of humor—we’re interrupted by the sound we’ve heard too many times today.

The doorbell rings.

Haze grabs Kendrick by his collar again.

“Fine, you can stay. But if you make a single sound or ruin this moment for me, the next thing coming out of your mouth will be your teeth, got it?” he hisses.

Kendrick nods in confusion, and Haze sets him free with a push. Kendrick stumbles back a few steps as Haze opens the door. On his porch are the gorgeous Riley and the cutest little brown-haired boy I’ve ever laid eyes upon.

He has green eyes while Haze’s eyes are blue but the resemblance still hits me like a truck. He’s definitely an Adams, this one, no doubt. Jacob’s gaze roams the house curiously. Riley takes his hand and gets him inside.

“Hello,” Haze says and kneels down to his level.

Jacob smiles shyly, revealing the most adorable tooth gap.

“What’s going on? Why is there a kid and a model on Haze’s porch?” Kendrick asks, nudging me with his elbow.

So much for not making a sound.

His nonexistent subtlety skills cause Riley to glance our way. She frowns, probably wondering who Kendrick is.

“That’s…” I pause and prepare for his disapproving glare. “This is Riley, Haze’s ex. And that’s Jacob. Haze’s kid.”

“What?” Kendrick exclaims obnoxiously loud. They all jump. Even Jacob stares. I apologize and motion not to mind us while I drag Kendrick into the bathroom so he can tell me all about how I’m wasting my life away and dating the wrong guy. I twist the tap on and hope the water will obscure my cousin’s bad manners.

“Are you out of your mind?” he blurts the second I close the door. “You’re staying with him? You’re going to stay with a guy who has a kid? Winter, this is insane.”

“He just found out. What am I supposed to do?”

“I don’t know. Here’s an idea: get in my car and run away from this madness. Come on, have some self-respect.”

“I can’t just leave him, Kendrick. I… I love him. Just because he made a mistake when he was younger doesn’t mean I should give up on this entire relationship.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake, look at them. Just look!”

He swings the bathroom door open, giving me a direct view of Haze, Riley, and Jacob sitting on the couch. Jacob is playing with the toys Haze and I bought for him yesterday. He’s radiant. They all are. Riley’s smile grows with every laugh her son emits. As for Haze, he seems amazed by even the simplest moves Jacob makes. Kendrick does have a point.

They look like the perfect little family.

Like a too good to be true picture with no room for me.

I clear my throat, refusing to let my emotions come out and play. I’m fine. I can do this. It’s no big deal, I tell myself.

“Can’t you see? Literally the only thing standing between that model chick and Haze is you. It’s only a matter of time before they reunite for the kid. What’s it going to take for you to take a hint? Are you going to have to find them in bed?”

“Okay, stop. I got it, jeez!” I put my hands up like I’m hoping they’ll shield me from his negativity and stomp out of the bathroom.

Kendrick follows me. “Where’s my room?”

“There are a hundred in this house. Go find one,” I grumble.

“If you want to sit with them and third-wheel like everything is fine, go ahead. But I’m not going to watch you.” He pokes at me again. I sigh and watch him run up the stairs to explore his new home.

I mute his voice inside my head and join the happy family in the living room. I think I see Riley roll her eyes when I sit down next to Haze. Did she just…

Stop, Winter. It’s probably nothing. You’re just imagining things.

“Hey, beautiful.” Haze quickly pecks my cheek and turns to the kid, who’s observing me intently. “Jacob, this is Winter. My girlfriend.” He introduces us in the cutest kid voice possible, and I giggle. Hearing Haze talk to a kid is so different, yet so hot. I don’t know why it makes him even more attractive. Jacob simply smiles in return. I come to find out that he’s a very quiet kid. Riley tells us that he only speaks around the people he’s comfortable with. And by speak, she means he says a few words and makes noises.