“Did you brush your teeth yet?” I ask.

“No, why?” He looks a bit amused by my question.

“No reason.”

No big deal. Just one more thing to add to my “proof Haze Adams isn’t human” list.

When my stomach grumbles again, I give up on taking a shower before eating, and we decide to go down to the kitchen for breakfast. I shiver when my feet merge with the cold kitchen tiles. Haze motions to lead the way and—let’s pretend that we’re surprised—smacks my ass really hard when I step in front of him.

“Ouch,” I cry out.

Of course that’s the kind of boyfriend Haze would be.

“Had to. It was calling my name.” He puts his hands up, and I elbow him in the stomach. He pretends that it hurts, holding his stomach in “pain.”

“You’re even more annoying as my boyfriend. Who knew?” I roll my eyes.

He stops dead in his tracks.

He turns around and backs me up into a corner until the distance between us is nothing but a sheer memory.

“What?” I laugh.

“You just called me your boyfriend.” A small smile tugs at his lips


“Say it again.” He leans forward.

This giggly look on his face…

I could get used to it.

“What? Boyfriend?”

He nods.

“Boyfriend, boyfriend, boyfriend. Hazie’s my boyfriend,” I repeat like an annoying child and he laughs.

“You’re damn right I am,” he says, a victorious expression covering his face as his mouth finds mine again. Hands start to wander, and kisses start to linger. Before I know it, he’s throwing me onto the couch and getting on top of me…

Looks like we’re not eating anytime soon.

The familiar sound of the bell hanging above Beck’s front door rings in our ears as we walk into the tiny yet crowded breakfast restaurant. This isn’t new. It’s almost always this packed, but for some reason, today’s worse than the last few times we were here.

After making out for like thirty minutes, we tried cooking but I burned everything I touched, so we opted for the lazy option.

The waitress—who we’ve seen so many times, I’m beginning to wonder if I should learn her name—greets us and displays the same reaction seeing Haze as she always does. Except that, this time, his undeniable sexiness isn’t the only thing she focuses on. This time, she sees something else…

Haze’s hand in mine.

She frowns, and I’m reminded of the little white lie I told her a few days ago.

Right. I told her he was gay.

She looks up at me, and I can feel her disapproving look piercing my skull. Completely unaware of the rather funny moment happening, Haze pulls me closer to kiss my cheek. I can hear her thoughts from here.

Yep, definitely not gay.