Yeah… in a rush to ruin my life.

I curse myself for feeling this way about her. She doesn’t even know me, but I still feel threatened by her mere existence.

“What would you do if it turned out to be true?”

That scenario doesn’t seem to enchant him, but I know under his tough exterior, he has a big heart. And she’s the first girl it beat for. He’ll deny it, but that means something to him. He’s not fifteen anymor

e. He wouldn’t run… not this time.

“Well… I guess, I’d learn how to be a dad.”

This is real. My first boyfriend, the first person I fell in love with, might have a kid…

I tell myself that it all happened before me. That he had no idea that he’d meet me and that I shouldn’t feel this way, but the truth is, dating someone who has kids with someone else is something you usually experience when you’re older.

Not when your life’s just begun.

“I have to ask”—he looks down—“can you handle it?”

I’m at a loss for words when his eyes meet mine and he stares. Only one question comes to me.

Can I?

“Because… I get it if you can’t.” His voice weakens. “The last thing I want is for you to leave, believe me. But I’ll respect your choice if you do. That’s a lot I’d be asking from you.”

He’s giving me an out right here, right now…

An out that I can’t take unless I know whether or not I need to in the first place.

“How about you save that speech for when we find out the truth?” I muster a small smile and press my lips to the tip of his nose. His entire being seems to relax, his shoulders going from tight and firm to laid-back.

“What were you thinking?” he murmurs, letting me sparkle his face with light kisses.

“What do you mean?”

“I know you. A lot goes on in that stubborn head of yours. What were you thinking when you saw the message?”

“I don’t know. That, maybe… you were picking things up where you left off.”

He shakes his head like I’ve just told him unicorns exist. “You have to understand it’s not her I want to see.”

I know what he means by that.

When he goes there tonight, it’s not to meet her.

It’s to meet his potential child.

“I’m with you, Winter. I’m all in.” He reaches for my hand. “Don’t ever doubt that again.”

“Don’t text your ex-girlfriend behind my back and I won’t.” I give him a smirk that he returns.


I open my mouth to answer, but the only sound breaking the silence is my empty stomach growling.

“Come on, we’ve got to get some food in you.” Haze smiles, gets off the bed, and pulls me to my feet.

I groan at the effort. It’s too early to move. We didn’t get nearly enough sleep last night. He hooks his arm around my waist and presses his lips to mine. I search for a morning breath but can’t find any.