“For what?”

“For listening these last two years and knowing how important Anna is to me. She needs to get away from her dad. She needs her own life. A better life.”

He continued to hold her.

“Why don’t you call her?”

“I tried but didn’t get an answer.”

“Well, what about calling the restaurant she works in? Maybe they can give you more information?”

Her eyes widened.

She hugged him tight, then kissed his cheeks, his forehead, then his lips.

“You’re such a smarty-pants, Deputy Cantrell.”

Giggling, he pulled her back onto the bed and began moving her nightgown from her body.

“I’ve got fifteen more minutes before I have to be at work. Why don’t y’all show me some luvin’?”

Stacy straddled his hips and unzipped his uniform pants, smiling wide and loving her man.

* * * *

Anna exited the small bus, relieved to finally end her journey and get to the town of Pearl. It was completely secluded but was quite stunning. There were blocks of numerous boutiques and specialty stores as well as a large diner and a food shopping center. The school was at the end of town, and the sheriff’s department was smack in the middle.

She walked slowly. Her injuries were far worse than two days ago. She stared at the sheriff’s department for a moment wondering if her father was looking for her. The tears stung her eyes. Foolish her. After what he did, she knew better than to think of him ever again. He was dead to her now.

She thought about trying to remember where Stacy said she lived, but she couldn’t. She hadn’t called before she hopped on the plane. She knew Stacy was there in Pearl. She expressed her love for the place and the fact that she didn’t want to leave. Looking around, she understood why. It was a lovely town, quaint and clean. The smell in the air was fresh, unlike the city.

She hid behind large sunglasses and a sweatshirt. It had gotten her through the airport even when people asked questions. People stared at her injuries, and she lied, saying she was in a car accident. That seemed to ease their minds. However, she used the washroom in the airport to wash away most of the blood, and she used a twenty to buy a sweatshirt to cover the bloody T-shirt she still wore. But here, she stood out. People looked at her, immediately noticing the outsider. She needed to contact Stacy.

Anna saw the payphone and headed straight for it. Stacy would be able to help her.

Chapter 3

“Eric!” Stacy yelled as she ran from the house with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Eric immediately stopped what he was doing and ran to meet her.

“Stacy, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?” he asked, rubbing his hands gently over her body. His cousins, Ben, a rancher, and Charlie, a vet, ran over to her as well.

Stacy took a moment to catch her breath.

“Anna’s here. She’s in town, Eric, and she sounds hurt.”

“What do you mean ‘hurt’?” Charlie asked. Stacy allowed the tears to flow freely. These men were her family. She loved them and knew they were good men.

“She wouldn’t tell me. She said she had a car accident. But she’s waiting for me to come get her in town. Can you come with me?”

“Let’s go,” Eric stated, pulling Stacy along with him to his pickup truck.

* * * *

“There she is!” Stacy blurted out as Eric pulled the pickup truck alongside the curb near the hardware store. A petite woman sat on a bench with large sunglasses and a sweatshirt pulled snug against her body. She looked so fragile, as if she were trying to hide.

Stacy jumped out of the truck and ran to her. Eric watched as