the two women embraced and Anna cringed and bent over. She was obviously in a lot of pain.

* * * *

“You’re hurt! What happened?” Stacy asked as she held Anna at arm’s length.

“Car accident,” Anna stated in a scratchy voice.

“Oh, my God!” Stacy froze as if she were thinking Anna’s statement through.

“Wait. You don’t drive a car.”

“Exactly. I was on the sidewalk. Can we talk about this later? I’m so glad to see you,” Anna stated, then pulled Stacy into another hug.

Anna pulled away and took a few steps back when she saw the large cowboy walk toward them. He was tall and lean, and she watched as he stuck his hands in his back pockets.

“Are you going to introduce me to your friend, honey?”

Stacy looked at Anna warily before she introduced the cowboy.

“This is Eric. Remember I mentioned him and Max?”

“Of course. It’s nice to meet you, Eric.”

She reached out her hand to shake his hand, and her sweatshirt came undone. She watched as his eyes widened, and she pulled her hand away to pull the sweatshirt tighter. He probably saw the blood. Her ribs were killing her. She had yet to remove her sunglasses. When she did, Stacy would flip.

“I’m sorry to be intruding like this. It was a last-minute decision, and Stacy has been begging for me to come visit. I’m sorry about how I look, but I didn’t get to change after the accident, and I hopped on the next available plane out here. I’ve been traveling by bus and nearly missed the one coming this way,” Anna rambled on as Stacy and Eric listened.

“Not an intrusion at all, Anna. Stacy told us all about you. I feel like I know you already,” he stated as he placed a hand on Stacy’s shoulder.

“Well, let’s head back to the ranch and get you settled. Do you have any luggage?”

“Oh…no…they lost my luggage. I’m not sure I’ll get it back,” she replied, then nibbled her bottom lip.

Eric appeared to read right through her lie, but Stacy accepted it.

“Well, then no need to worry. I have plenty of things you can wear, let’s head home.”

* * * *

Anna looked out the passenger window in awe. The ranch was magnificent. There were men riding horses, cattle grazing in the pasture, and two very large, beautiful homes separated by a traditional-looking red barn. There were stables and training circles. It was so impressive. As they approached the first house, the smaller house of the two, she noticed a group of cowboys standing by the fence. Her heart throbbed in her chest. They were giants. She thought the cattle and horses were extra large, but these men were tall and built like gladiators.

Her stomach quivered, and her hands shook. Great, now she was going to have a complex about large men. One look at Eric and she knew she better get used to it. It seemed Pearl grew their men real big. If she kept her distance, she would be fine for the little time she stayed here.

As the truck stopped, Anna’s heart continued to pound, and her head throbbed.

Slowly, as not to jiggle her ribs more than necessary, she cautiously exited the truck. Her movement wasn’t lost on Stacy or her man, Eric.

Stacy took her arm.

“You’re safe here, Anna. I promise you.”

Anna felt the tears sting her eyes, but she swallowed hard and let Stacy help her.

“Everything all right?” someone yelled from the group of men, and Stacy kept walking Anna into the house.

“Honey, you two will be all right while I head back to work?” Eric asked.

“We’ll be fine. Thanks for the ride,” Stacy said, and they headed inside.